2nd Enrollment 2015 Ends

Open Enrollment Final Deadline (Individual Market) is: 02/15/15. Act Now!

tel: 1-818-508-7177


Important! February 15th is the final deadline to purchase new coverage or to change your existing medical insurance coverage!

Blessings for a wonderful Valentine’s holiday full of love & joy, Yes, this is it - 02/15/15 is the final deadline to purchase new coverage or to change your existing medical insurance coverage for 2015!It’s extremely important to review your existing health care coverage now to be sure you are getting either qualify for a subsidy and making sure that your preferred physicians and hospitals are in your current plan. Beyond 02/15/2015, only people with a “qualifying event” such as a marriage, divorce, relocating residence, losing employer coverage, or exhausting cobra will be able to buy a new policy or make changes to an existing policy. People who qualify for Medi-Cal will be able to enroll throughout the year. There is still time to enroll! We will extend our hours and will be in the office: Saturday & Sunday to assist you and answer questions: 818-508-7177 or for immediate coverage, please go to www.rightplan.com and apply now. As I have been approach by so many people with the affordability question, I would like to take a moment and share some thoughts about the question:What can we do to lower our healthcare cost?In my mind, the answer is simple but we need all to come together and collaborate our efforts and practice consciousness healthcare as one. Consciousness in health care is the most important factor in lowering our healthcare cost. That’s to say, we all should join the system, take care of ourselves, live a healthy lifestyle, eat well, sleep well, practice wellness through exercise, yoga, and meditation and we will have the greatest impact on lowering the overall cost of health care.If everyone were to follow this advice we would never be at risk of overloading our health care system, and everyone would look and feel better, mind, body and spirit. Everything you do to stay healthy will impact and benefit our future and our universe as one! Love & Light from my team and myself as we wrapping up this - most challenging - 2nd historic Open Enrollment for ObamaCare. ♥ Naama

  Seeing out-of-network health care providers may cost you more beginning March 1, 2015

To get the most out of your benefits, you should always use a doctor in your health care plan’s network, even for referrals. When you see doctors who aren’t in network, your share of the bill is always higher. The carriers are updating their Non-Par pricing and starting March 1, your share of the costs as a result could be even higher. So if you are currently using a health care provider that is out of our network, you’ll save money by switching to one who is part of the network.

Administration Warns Of Penalty For Failing To Enroll In Health Coverage.

The Washington Times reports that with only a few days left before the deadline to sign up for health insurance under the ACA, the Obama Administration “has begun to spotlight the penalty some Americans could pay for failing” to do so. While the Administration has previously focused on “the benefits of coverage,” the latest email blasts to customers with HealthCare.gov accounts warn users to get covered or risk paying a fee. Estimated penalty for 2015 will be 2% of our total yearly income.

CSU Study Supports Affordability Of Health Insurance For Students.

The Los Angeles Time  (2/11) reports that a new analysis from California State University’s Health Insurance Education Project “found that half the approximately 445,000 students in the CSU system are able to purchase health insurance for less than they would have to pay in fines for remaining uncovered.” Officials say the numbers show that “buying health insurance makes financial sense,” challenging “the idea that the cost of health insurance — often cited as the main reason people don’t sign up — is unaffordable.” For the full article: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-csu-study-20150209-story.html

Medicare To Cover Lung Cancer Screening

Medicare approved coverage for lung cancer screening by low-dose CT, the first time the government program will pay for such exams. Medicare will cover annual screenings for beneficiaries aged 55-77 who are current smokers or who quit in the last 15 years, and who have a history of at least 30 “pack years.” The coverage is effective immediately and applies nationwide,This is an important new Medicare preventive benefit since lung cancer is the third most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer kills nearly 160,000 people a year. Experts “project that the screening test, which costs $250-$300, may prevent as many as 20 percent of deaths from lung cancer, making it similar to mammograms and colonoscopies in terms of saving lives.”

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