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New Year, New Policies

Solutions to start the year off right

Dear Trusted Colleague,

Happy start of the year from all of us at A+ Insurance.  It is going to be a year full of powerful change if we allow it.  I'm looking forward to all the new ideas that will come our way.

Speaking of new ideas, bravo on registering to sell travel insurance! We're so glad to see many of you selling already.  We'd love to hear from you how it's going and if you have any questions.  

One half of the battle in selling a new product is finding your way of describing the product to a client.  Remember, these policies have no pre-existing limitations, directly reimburse the hospital so no out-of-pocket, and they're perfect for out of the country travel.

The other half of the battle is how to identify potential matches for the product and get them to engage with it.  I'd like to take the guesswork out of this process and share some examples of our client outreach.  

Click the orange button below to receive our free Marketing One Sheet and apply this to your approach this year.

Feel free to share this information with fellow agents:

What's the key other than just posting on social media?  Repetition!  The rule of advertising says it takes


times of seeing a product or idea before engaging with it.  So just posting won't be enough.  Make sure every person with every sale knows the importance of travel insurance for their future plans. 

Finally, use us as a resource!  The key to your success in selling is understanding.  We're your partner to help build your business, one traveler at a time.  

Here's wishing you a healthy and successful New Year!

Best Wishes,

Naama, Omar, and The A+ Insurance Team💕