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Another year is coming to an end ~ Happy Holidays ~

Another year is coming to an end ~ Happy Holidays ~

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We are so happy that the holiday season is upon us!As we are entering the Winter Solstice and moving forward to 2019, we would like to take a moment to reflect on this past year and plant some seeds for a bright and healthy future.The December Solstice (12/21) brings the official start of winter and the longest nights of the year (unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere) From the 21st onwards, we transition to longer days and the beginning of the new season.  So lace up your ice skates, or put on your sunscreen, and enjoy the season while it’s here!Solstice is a time for regeneration and reflection.  2018 has been quite a year, with both wins and losses.  We at A+ Insurance are heartbroken over losing and experiencing so many of our friends and clients passing.  Similarly, many people from the community are dealing with other kinds of transitions this year. Please know that our hearts are with you and we are always here to support and help in any possible way.  In considering our collective health, the healthcare industry is getting wiser about preventive care and wellness.  Let me gently remind us all that we must take our care in our own hands.  Better health is available to each of us if we simply take the steps to continue, or even start, the journey.  Healing is very personal and unique to each and every one of us.  Take a moment to consider your personal wellbeing and of those around you.  You may find some new answers on how to take charge of your care, even just changing your thoughts to positive ones.  Science proves that this simple step can help you heal.There has been much division politically this year especially.  But the tough times I believe do bring us together.  It is our greatest goal to help our community to create a positive discussion on collective intelligent health.  Now more than ever we need to learn how to support each other and try to rebuild and learn.Now for the good; we see such resilience in our California community.  We see people discussing their differing views.  We see community coming together, growing together, and moving forward together, for a chance to heal our minds, bodies, and spirits.As you may or may not be aware, I am also a primordial sound meditation instructor for the Chopra Center.  I had the honor to teach my course to a few of you last year, and the results have been astounding.   Since the class, so many of you have started on your personal journey in meditation.  I find that in the most tumultuous of times, it is most important to find your personal eye of the storm.  Whether you do that through time with nature, time alone in stillness, or time with others, I encourage you to reflect today on what you’ve built this year and what you will continue to expand upon in 2019.  Next year is set to be an exciting one with many changes and improvements on the horizon.  If we believe it, we can build it, together in a conscious way.Stay Well, we are all on this ride together,Much love for a season full of great moments,Naama and the A+ Insurance Team 


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