Bringing Hope By Giving Back

Bringing Hope By Giving Back

 Bringing Hope By Giving Back 

The old saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers," – and this year, we are feeling the re-emergence of hope after an extensive winter. I am hopeful that as we have reached over 200 million doses of vaccine administered, we can reach the end of this horrible pandemic soon. Getting back out into the world, seeing people we love in person, cannot come soon enough!

I was so happy last week to take the stage finally - the actual stage for the first time in over a year - leading meditation and opening the NextGen Benefits Mastermind event with consciousness, mindfulness, and connection. I believe every occasion – and every day – should begin with some time for connection and stillness.

The theme for this month is hope - putting our efforts towards a better future. However, hope alone cannot create change. Without intention, diligence, vision, and learning, we cannot connect to the hope within.

When we have hope, we are focusing our intention on creating a future that we truly want. It's essential to be clear on what we are hoping and dreaming for because it will come true! I also advise you to meditate on how to remain hopeful while releasing your expectations for the outcome. A tricky balance indeed!

One thing to always remember is that giving and receiving are interchangeable, the same energy.  So while we might think we are hoping to accept certain things, abundance flows both ways. Both giving and receiving create happiness. We explore the concept of Tikkun Olam below in light of this month's National Volunteer Week - an excellent opportunity to recognize it is in the giving, repairing, and mending that we do within our hearts and communities that we can receive the most blessings.

Wishing you many moments of connection, hope, and clarity today and every day.

 Much love,  

 Naama and the A+ team 

National Volunteer Week: Tikkun Olam

In Judaism, the concept of Tikkun Olam translates as "repair the world,” “mend the world," or “heal the world." From generation to generation, we pass on the idea that we each have a responsibility to be a benefit to society and help to better the world. While this might seem a daunting task, the act itself can be taken in physical, mental, spiritual, or mindful actions. When you add together the many individual acts, hours of service, donations, and collaborative efforts, we can each make a difference and integrate these actions into our daily lives; we can make a real impact.

The world is feeling the need for Tikkun Olam in these current times. According to a U.N report, in the wake of COVID-19, there was a global surge in volunteering, as each of us felt in our hearts that we must take action.

In April we celebrate National Volunteer Week, an opportunity to embody the spirit of Tikkun Olam.  When we give our time and energy, we can make a huge difference. A few of the industry organizations that are dear to my heart, NAHU, LAHU and CAHU, are where I dedicate several hours each week, working to inspire a revolution toward intelligent, 360 degree care in the health insurance industry.

Additionally, the Rightplan team and I support Deepak Chopra's Never Alone Initiative,  a worldwide movement committed to building peaceful, just, sustainable, healthy and joyful communities. We also feel so much love for Women of Excellence Women of Faith, an interfaith organization dedicated to supporting 1 Million women and girsl around the world. And we support our local community through Hope Of The Valley Rescue Mission, which does amazing work here in the San Fernando Valley.

American Rescue Plan 

 As part of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan stimulus and relief bill signed by President Biden, health insurance savings are newly available, whether or not you are currently insured. Both current Covered CA members and non-members can apply for coverage, change plans, or re-apply on the same plan to see if they qualify for the new subsidy.   Who benefits: Individuals who are currently uninsured are eligible for new financial assistance through Covered California, with many qualifying for $1 dollar health plans.  ️Individuals who currently have health coverage directly through an insurer outside of Covered California are now eligible for financial help for the first time. These consumers may be able to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars by switching to the same or similar health coverage through Covered California. If you are currently insured in Covered California health plans, you may be eligible for more financial help. 

     For more information: 

    It's important to report any change!  *** Stay healthy and positive.

    Life Insurance Corner 

    From the desk of Faye Jahangiri, your Health Insurance Advisor: 

    We have had a unique year behind us and what I realized is that if something happens to me, my loved ones will be a little overwhelmed to figure out any financial issues. 

     So, I finally applied for a Life Insurance plan so that they would not have to worry about quite so many things.   The one I chose also allows me a little bit of income during any disability period. 

    With the signing of the American Rescue Plan and Covered CA allowing more subsidies to even higher-income families, consider that the money saved on Health Insurance can go toward obtaining good Life Insurance. I made the application online, and they sent a nurse to my home for the medical exam. Rapid, easy, and convenient. 

    Please let me know if you already have an existing Life Insurance Policy that you would like reviewed or you are interested in purchasing a new policy, for ease of mind for yourself and your loved ones. 

    All the best with much love, 

    Faye Jahangiri Your Covered CA & Life Insurance Expert ❤ 

    Updated Travel Information 

    Travel is making a comeback! Through April 6th, 2021, there were 27 consecutive days of over 1 million passengers going through TSA. It's more important than ever to protect your health with travel insurance. 

    Plans can now be customized with important protections:   Covid coverage and Quarantine benefits 

      Trip Cancellation for Any Reason 


     Vacation Rental Accommodations 

      Adventure Sports 

      NextGen Benefits 

      April 23rd was a super special day!  I didn’t know how much I missed the actual stage until I got on stage that morning. Coaching, teaching, inspiring, leading meditation daily on zoom is simply NOT the same.

      What an experience to step onto my first live stage in over a year - leading meditation and opening the NextGen Mastermind event with consciousness, mindfulness and connection.

      It was an honor to be surrounded by my colleagues in the healthcare industry as we lead a revolution in healthcare from within!

      The future of healthcare, a system that supports and promotes the best possible access to care, will require that each and every one of us, especially this passionate, driven group of consultants, are willing to teach, inspire, and enhance the mindset in the industry.

      Honoring Women

       While Women's History Month has passed, I firmly believe that we should honor women every month! Below are a few of the inspirational women I have spent some time with in the recent weeks.   

       Los Angeles City Council Member Nithya Raman spoke passionately at the Chamber event about the pivotal moment when she decided to run for city council. She had been working on the issue of homelessness, but she felt frustrated at how the city government was tackling such an important and sensitive issue. This was all the motivation, that she needed to run.More power to you Nithya. 

       As part of UPS's 'Be Unstoppable' series, Serena Williams talked about how important it is to blaze your own trail. She mentions how from a young age, her mother always encouraged her and her sister to be themselves and be unique, so they would stand out from the rest.  

      I am in awe of this true superwoman! 

       2011 Nobel Peace Laureate

      a Liberian peace activist and women's rights advocate took the stage at the Virtual International Women's Day Summit. She opened her heart about her involvement in leading the 'Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peace', a women's nonviolent peace movement that helped bring an end to the Second Liberian Civil War in 2003. She talked about how she wanted to be at the back of the movement, but all the women around her gave her the confidence to lead from the front and that she did.  Bravo!  

      Tonight is the full moon in Scorpio. I want to inspire us all to connect to each other, people, groups, and to the oneness. Let’s make meaningful decisions that can support us in the future of our own health and well-being.

      Much love for a beautiful week,

      💝 🌹 💖Naama & the A+ Team!

      Sent with gratitude for our connection 
