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  • Celebration of Life – Elayne Serrano 10/28/1964 - 08/18/2022

Celebration of Life – Elayne Serrano 10/28/1964 - 08/18/2022

Celebration of Life – Elayne Serrano 10/28/1964 - 08/18/2022

Celebration of Life – Elayne Serrano 10/28/1964 - 08/18/2022 

🖤🖤🖤This is probably one of the most challenging and saddest e-mails I have sent in my entire career –It's been a little over a month since Elayne, our Senior Employee Benefits manager, took her last breath. It was a journey that started in mid-May 2022, from what looked like a simple flu or not feeling well to a quick complex diagnosis of an aggressive rare cancer metastasizing to her entire body. She experienced all the harsh side effects of the chemotherapy: kidney failure, retained water in her lungs, and loss of consciousness. For days, it was impossible to allow dialysis as her blood pressure dropped too low.While the team and I were visiting and supporting her as much as possible, her body betrayed her despite her strong will to continue fighting. Nevertheless, she did the best she could.There were days when I looked into her eyes, and she assured me she would overcome it. There were days when she couldn't speak, but watching how much she tried encouraged me.What amazed me most was the love for her kids and the love for you all. She worked from the hospital when she could, and every time any one of you sent her love and blessings, it brought a huge smile. 🖤🖤🖤While grief works in cycles, I can share that my heart is broken; Elayne was part of our team for over a decade. A highly dedicated woman, super organized, and endless caring for every client. She would always go the extra mile and appreciate every compliment or a funny joke. We have yet to touch her desk, as it is so painful. I kept looking at her empty chair as she had just left and hopefully would return.I can share with you that the journey of saying goodbye is long, and none of us will live forever; but it is sad, and her energy, support, and willingness to make a difference are already terribly missed.While I never thought I would have to help decide my team's life and death decision, I did find myself supporting the question of whether we should use a ventilator or not. We never know what we are up to in the next moment, but this one was tough.Just on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, I can peacefully wish for her to rest in peace and know that we will love her forever. One thing is for sure; no one will love me the way she did. Of course, she cared for the office and clients, but how she cared for me, my well-being, and the love and support she shared with me during all these years is beyond words. 🖤🖤🖤Delivering bad news, rate increases, higher co-pays, maximum out-of-pockets, and slimmer benefits are our reality in our U.S. healthcare system. But she always allowed me to lead with a positive attitude and smile, and she trusted that together we could create a better future for our health and well-being.

 It will take time to heal, but we are stronger together, and as Dyanne mentioned the other day, she is looking at us from above and smiling ~ 🖤🖤🖤I promised her I would share this text one day as she went through these difficult moments, and her Primordial Sounds Meditation mantra supported and helped her overcome some of these fears and harsh treatments.She watched me for years, sharing, teaching, and leading our clients, friends, and family with the meditation practice. Unfortunately, despite my constant reminder for health and well-being, she chose a different path. Still, I was so happy to find out that the meditation practice I gifted her a few years ago helped her in her most difficult moments.

May her soul rest in peace, and may her kids: Isiah, 17; April, 20; and Elayne, 24, remember how much she loved and cared for them. 🖤🖤🖤Make sure to hug your loved ones, but this week - embrace and hug your team.🖤 Naama, and the RightPlan team 🖤
