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  • Deadline for Individual Market: 12/15/15 for 01/01/16 Effective Date & Updates

Deadline for Individual Market: 12/15/15 for 01/01/16 Effective Date & Updates

Deadline Alert for the Individual Market: 12/15/15 for 01/01/16 Effective Date & Updates

Telephone:  1-818-508-7177

Greetings of gratitude and joy for the upcoming Holiday season,

As we are winding down and making our way into the winter holiday season, it is important to take a moment and review, renew, learn and understand the upcoming 2016 healthcare market.

It’s hard to believe that we are entering the 3rd open enrollment, known as ObamaCare.

The following are the upcoming deadlines for the Individual Market: 2016:

  • December 1 – 15, 2015 January 1, 2016*

  • December 16, 2015 – January 15, 2016 - February 1, 2016*

  • January 16 – 31, 2016* March 1, 2016*  

***If your policy is getting cancelled by the insurance company effective 12/31/15, you HAVE to apply by 12/15/15 in order to get covered for 01/01/16 effective date. There will be no extensions to the upcoming 12/15 Enrollment Deadline!

If you are employed and your employer is providing your healthcare and making contribution towards your coverage, please be grateful and remember to thank him or her when you see them next. This year more than ever, renewals were more complicated. Employers were required to review, and carefully find the best solutions for their employees. You are not subject to this deadline if you are covered by your employer, unless you would like your family to be covered under an individual policy.

Yes, the hour has arrived to choose your individual health insurance plan and there is a few upcoming important deadlines. As in the past 2 years, the upcoming year is full of changes for both individual and group coverages.

If changes need to be made, please let us know as soon as possible. This season you can count on us to simplify your healthcare coverage.

In addition, it is important to have a conversation with your personal physicians to see which insurance carrier they will be providing for 2016.

It is important to make sure that your application is complete and accurate, as well as all necessary updates that need to be  uploaded to the system are done so prior to 12/15.

After the closing of Open Enrollment on 

January 31, 2016

, you will need to experience a Qualifying Event in order to apply for coverage through the Individual Marketplace, or under Covered CA.

During this time of great change in our healthcare system, we are here to help and support you!

We at A+ Insurance hope you use this holiday spirit to connect to yourself and everyone around you, while spreading light, love, and joy.  Also, remember to take advantage of your annual physicals, which are provided under most policies for 0 co-pay.

Have a week full of love & light,

Naama & the A+ Insurance Team 


Please remember to insure yourself when you travel outside the country. Enjoy SAFE and SECURE travel with AFFORDABLE travel medical insurance:

For a quick quote & to apply, please click here or call us @ 818-508-7177 (ask for Omar or James).