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Don’t Miss Your Deadlines! - Changing landscapes in benefits for 2019

Don’t Miss Your Deadlines! - Changing landscapes in benefits for 2019

Telephone:  1-818-508-7177

Phone:  818-508-7177Email: [email protected]

Greetings from us here @ A+ Insurance,

As we just about rolling into the holiday time, enjoy and remember to take your health in your own hands. Make sure to get yourself familiar with the changing health insurance landscape for 2019.  We’ve seen so many changes towards the end of this year, especially in the world of healthcare which is a big deal to us all.  41% of those polled state that Healthcare is their #1 issue moving forward.  The Election brought a now divided Congress that will likely bring reform to the ACA, not repeal and replace.  71% of those polled are not in favor of Medicare-for-all, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t support some kind of Public Option.  Because of the split in Congress however, it is unlikely we will see Medicare-for-all proposed in the near future.  Seems like business as usual for now, but we will likely see some changes to how the ACA functions in the coming months. 2019 is still not affected by any change, “ObamaCare” is still ruling the house.Let’s talk about how insurance matters to you moving forward, depending on your health insurance needs…For the Baby Boomers December 7th, 2018 is the last day of Open Enrollment for the beautiful Medicare community (ages 65+) to sign up for an effective date of January 1st, 2019.  This is the time of the year you can make adjustments to your Medicare Advantage, Supplemental, or Part D Drug plan. For the under 65 individual and family marketDecember 15, 2018 is the last day for people to change their current coverage for January 1st, 2019.  Open Enrollment continues until January 15th; applications submitted between December 16th through January 15th are for a February 1st, 2019 start date.  We are here to assist in any way possible, and our office and phone is open to any questions.  Also note, if you have a business and 1 additional employee on payroll, you could qualify for small group insurance!  Group insurance is looking cheaper than many individual options, the doctor networks are larger, and you could have more comprehensive nationwide coverage.  Give us a ring to evaluate your current coverage and make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck!*** No out of state benefits are available for the upcoming year under any of the individual plans! For the employers providing large group insuranceThere’s plenty to remember!  As 2018 draws to a close, all groups who had 50 or more employees or full-time equivalents during 2018 are Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) and need to complete the required ACA Reporting. Also, those who have self-funded plans and have less than 50 employees have reporting requirements as well.  Forms 1095 must be out to employees by March 4th, 2019 (new date) and Forms 1094 are due to the IRS by February 28th, if sent by mail, or March 31st if filing electronically with the IRS. For the employers considering providing insuranceI want to point out a recent article and study that shared potential new hires would much rather take a job offering benefits than one that pays slightly higher salary.  A huge reason to provide benefits to attract and retain great talent!  Q4 is the perfect time to evaluate your team’s health insurance needs.  Reach out and see if group insurance could be good for you and your team! Healthcare is another taxing thing to finish before the year is through, and we at A+ is tryng to help and lighten that load.Many blessings and special moments, Naama & the A+ Team 


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