February Newsletter

😍 Heart Month, Medicare, and Single Payer.  Share with us!

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From our hearts to yours

February is #heartmonth!

Blessings to my insurance family.  Here's wishing you a loving February with all your nearest and dearest.  February is #heartmonth, so do something for a loved one but also make sure you're taking good care of your heart health!

Meditation is one excellent way to reduce your stress and protect your heart.  Here are some other wonderful tips from the American Heart Association:

Special Enrollment Period for 65 years +

Attention Baby Boomers!  Are you concerned about the rising cost of your prescription medications?  Did you forget to "shop" your Part D Drug Plan during the Annual Election Period (October 15th thru December 7th)?

There is GOOD NEWS out there!  You still have a Special opportunity to shop your drug plan now.  Because of the California Wild Fires, I can help you find the most cost effective plan for the rest of 2019.  

Also, did you know you may re-evaluate your Medicare Advantage Plan for 2019 and if appropriate, make a change?

Just take a moment to

and we will review your coverage.

Capital Conference 2019

I'm super thrilled to head to Washington DC again for the Capital Conference 2019 with the National Association of Healthcare Underwriters.  We are looking forward to meeting with our National representatives and discussing the healthcare industry.

In 2018, voters stated healthcare is the #1 issue facing our country today.  Proud to take part in our democracy to be a part of the solution!  Some things we will discuss with our lawmakers:

  • Repeal the Cadillac Tax

  • Eliminate Health Insurance Tax

  • Restore the 40 hour work week designation

  • Increase market stability by freeing up employer and individual taxes

  • Medicare for all or Single Payer

The last bullet point is quite a hot topic.  There are pros and cons to this suggestion, and interest has been shown in California, New York, New Mexico, and Washington to implement some kind of government subsidized healthcare for all.

As I'm always thinking outside the box and trying to connect with our clients, I'm very curious what you think of Single Payer.  It's a thing that people are whispering these days and I'd like to hear back from you.  What do you think of it?  Reply to this email;  I want to hear your thoughts.

With Love,

 Naama and the A+ Insurance Team 💕

P.S. Please feel free to share the contents of this email with your friends and associates!