FINAL Covered CA Reminder

FINAL Covered CA Reminder

Final Reminder

Greetings for a joyful day, 

As we are now in the final stretch of the Covered California Open Enrollment, we are sending you a FINAL reminder.

If you didn't review your upcoming 2023 year of coverage, the time is NOW!

We have until 01/31/2023 to change, renew, and review your policy for an effective date – of 02/01/23.

Faye Jahangiri, would love to hear from you - [email protected] or by phone/text at 8185087177.

All changes will be effective February 1, 2023. Therefore, January 31, 2023, is the deadline for February 1, 2023, effective date.

Covered CA Options – you want to ensure that you look into qualification under Covered CA.

As a community Covered CA storefront, we see many people who weren't qualified in the past qualifying this year.

Table of updates

shows up-to-date income limits and information used for eligibility determinations for coverage effective in the 2023 benefit year.

Changes made through December 31, 2022, will be effective January 1, 2023.

Special Enrollment Period

Please remember that it is still Special Open Enrollment

Extension of the National COVID-19 Public Health Emergency – is now 

extended to 04/11/2023.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has extended the national COVID Public Health Emergency (PHE) an additional 90 days through 

April 11, 2023


*** With The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, you can enroll and change your policy based on the "Public Health Emergency" Qualifying Life Event.

If you have a Qualifying Life Event – you qualify for coverage -

IRS Form 1095-A

During tax season, you will receive a federal IRS Form 1095-A Health Insurance Marketplace Statement which is an important federal tax document that serves as proof of Minimum Essential Coverage and allows you to claim the premium tax credit, to reconcile any Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) received, and to file an accurate tax return for the 2022 tax year. The amount displayed on IRS Form 1095-A reflects how much was paid to Covered California Qualified Health Plans to help with the cost of your health coverage.

IRS Form 1095-A is generated for each enrolled plan (except minimum coverage plans), regardless of if APTC was applied. If you changed plans or had a gap in coverage at any point in 2022, you may receive multiple 1095-A forms.

Important Information:

•           You will receive IRS 1095-A forms by January 31, 2023.

•           If your communication preference is email, you will receive an email from Covered California with instructions to sign into your CalHEERS account and download your forms. You will not receive your forms in the mail.

•           If your communication preference is mail, you will receive your forms in the mail – some may arrive after January 31.

•           You can access your IRS Form 1095-A from your CalHEERS account Home Page, or under Documents & Correspondence, even if your preference is mail.

Please note: You will not receive FTB 3895 tax forms for the 2022 benefit year because you did not receive the California Premium Assistance Subsidy. FTB 3895 tax forms are available for 2020 and 2021.

Parent, grandparents, and step-parent as Dependents

Parents and grandparents can be added to the household size if they are considered dependents on the tax returns.

Effective January 1, 2023, there is a new definition of “dependent” under California law for the purposes of enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan (QHP), to include a parent or step-parent that you might have.

Life Insurance

Let us review your current policy –

When was the last time you reviewed your life insurance policy?

Financial well-being is essential in our communities all around the globe.

Did you know? Half of Americans don't own a policy for their life! – This is important -

But it shouldn't be this way.

Look out for your loved ones and apply for a life insurance policy today.

This month - Travel in peace

  • Travel – Travel – Travel - Expats – Outbound – Inbound –

  • Traveling with style and peace of mind -

The winter is almost over, but January and February travelers are still enjoying a winter getaway! Especially if you are skiing in the mountain.

Please remember to travel with


 of mind -


before you leave to cover your out-of-pocket expenses for you and your family!

All pre-existing conditions can be covered!!! 

On the Geo Blue Policy –

Ask us how - A travel insurance plan will not only cover illness while abroad.

***connect you with an English-speaking doctor

*** Access telemedicine abroad 24/7

*** Medical evacuation

*** Road Assistance

Let us know if you have any further questions – and or email – Omar – 


The RightPlan Team
