
❤️ Gratitude ❤️

Telephone:  1-818-508-7177

Phone:  818-508-7177Email: [email protected]

Greetings for a beautiful meaningful Holiday, Thanksgiving is a wonderful cherished time for us to slow down, get present to the actual moment, and reflect on the people,places, memories, energy, and magic moments that make life itself so special.We come together with our family and friends to share in the spirit of gratitude and remember how fortunate we are. Often around the holidays we ask ourselves: What are we grateful for?This is actually a question that I personally ask myself in my daily morning meditation.As a general thought, it’s so easy to focus on what’s missing in our lives and get overwhelmed by all the tragedies,fires, shootings, and political chaos in the news and take for granted the little miracles that happen everyday. ~ Did you know…Emmons' findings, along with those from other researchers, such as Lisa Aspinwall, a psychology professor at the University of Utah, suggest that grateful people may be more likely to:

 take better care of themselves physically and mentally engage in more protective health behaviors and maintenance get more regular exercise eat a healthier diet have improved mental alertness schedule regular physical examinations with their doctors cope better with stress and daily challenges feel happier and more optimistic avoid problematic physical symptoms have stronger immune systems maintain a brighter view of the future So with that in mind we should expand our vision and try to find ways to share in our communities and thrive for a healed world.Love, compassion, creativity and intelligence will support us and we will be able to  integrate some of the following processes:

 realize some of our personal path to expand our awareness. be mindful of what we have. keep a gratitude journal. reform situations into positive. be the change you want to see in the world. Collectively we can evolve and make a difference. The element of choice has no limit.So let’s bring our inner need together and consciously evolve to be able to support each other. When we are all healed, the world will be whole and heal at the same time as Deepak Chopra MD would say: “ My healing also heals humanity” It is with deep love and appreciation that we are wishing you and your family some  special moments during this auspicious time.The goal is to reach wholeness and to awaken into our true selves.We are grateful for the opportunity to be of service and send you love and many blessings,Naama & the A+ Team  


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