Happy 4th!

Happy 4th! ๐ŸŽ† ๐ŸŽ‡ Summer is Here and ACA is Here to Stay!

Happy 4th! ๐ŸŽ† ๐ŸŽ‡ Summer is Here and ACA is Here to Stay!

Summertime greetings! โ˜€๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜Ž โ˜€๏ธ

Summertime is an opportunity to revel in the splendor of sunshine, the energizing force of our world.  It's been quite a month, with a major solar eclipse mid-month asking us each to observe shifts in mind and spirit, and a sweet Strawberry Super Moon showing us where we might be limiting our full potential.

On the healthcare front, the Supreme Court ruling that the ACA is here to stay will hopefully allow each healthcare provider and insurance carrier the ability to think holistically about delivering true wellness solutions to all Americans. It is my longtime dream that carriers, employers and self-insured will have the access to tools and techniques such as mindfulness, yoga and meditation, not to mention healthful food options and access.  My recent session at the NAHU Annual Convention, with CEO Janet Trautwein, underscored the importance of mindfulness practices in the workplace, for all involved.

As we enjoy the pleasures of the summer season, I invite you to continue to check in with your mental and physical health toolkit: breath, focus, self-reflection, and the practice of self-care, drink lots of water, and gentleness, towards ourselves and others.

๐ŸŒž ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ™

- Naama and the A+ team

International Insurance Awareness Day

Mindfulness In The Workplace

Mindfulness in the workplace is a hot topic these days, especially as employers are navigating the return (or not) to in-person offices. Mindfulness not only helps build better leaders, it makes for a more harmonious and productive working environment for all.On June 28, International Insurance Awareness Day, we shared a beautiful session on the importance of mindfulness in the workplace, in conversation with NAHU CEO Janet Stokes Trautwein. While we are discussing integrating mindfulness benefits into the various forms of healthcare and coverage, we are also showing that there is a path to a bright future of health that focuses on our well-being in mind ~ body ~ spirit.With NAHU's support, we are moving forward on the path to continue this work in our communities and life, in the U.S. and internationally. It will take a tribe of minds and hearts to re-write the healthcare script positively, creatively, and mindfully.

โค๏ธ One of the takeaways from this session was to remember that it all comes down to the "Five L's" - when we take these concepts to heart in our every action, we help to create a better world โค๏ธ

Happy 4th of July!

We have many things to be thankful for, but our Independence and freedom will always top the list.

We are so grateful to be living in a free and independent country. While our freedoms have been put to the test, and continue to be tested, this celebration is a reminder that freedom starts within. โ˜ฎ๏ธ

We at A + would like to wish you all a Happy 4th of July!

Supreme Court Effectively Upholds ACA (Obamacare) 

Photo credit: New York Times

The Supreme Court finally issued a decision in the long-awaited California v. Texas case (formerly known as Texas v. United States), ruling 7-2 against the plaintiffs and effectively upholding the ACA as law of the land.

Chief Justice John Roberts, along with Justices Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh Amy Coney Barrett, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Stephen Breyer have ruled in the majority (7-2) that the plaintiffs lacked standing in Texas v. United States, the case that could have jeopardized the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch ruled in the minority.

What does this mean? This means that the Supreme Court found that the plaintiffs had not suffered harm by the enforcement of the individual mandate under the ACA, even though the mandate penalty was effectively zeroed out under a 2017 budget bill. With this ruling, the justices did not address the underlying issues of the case โ€“ whether the individual mandate is a true mandate, not a tax, and whether the ACA could remain in place without the individual mandate. Instead, the justices focused on the first step of bringing a case, which is standing. If a party lacks standing or a harm inflected upon them caused by the issue at hand, then the case may go no further.

What will happen next? For the foreseeable future, the ACA will remain in place and the โ€œlaw of the landโ€. However, as we have learned since it was signed in to law, there is never a shortage of legal challenges when it comes to the ACA.

Travel Update!

While the pandemic prevented most of us from traveling over the past year and a half, travel is back this summer!

To plan a successful international journey, be sure to plan:

  • Do your research for the latest guidelines and travel advisories.

  • Make sure you are covered with an international health policy.

  • Get familiar with your destination. And get a travel insurance plan that provides a mobile app that you can download before you travel.

There are health insurance plans that are specifically designed for international travel, and we offer a range of plans with flexible cancellation policies, that cover medically necessary COVID-19 testing and treatment, and include telemedicine services for contact-less access to care.

No matter where you plan to travel, a little preparation can go a long way to getting your international

journey off on the right foot.

 International Day of Yoga

This year as always on the Summer Solstice, we celebrated International Yoga Day. In my many yers of practice I have discovered that the way we show up on our mat is the way we show up in life. My yoga practice has moved me to be my best self when I am off of it, and dealing with the many challenges and joys of life.

This year, the theme is โ€œYoga for well-being,โ€ sharing how the practice of Yoga can promote the holistic health of every individual, whether physical, mental or spiritual.

We hope to see you on the mat!


 Strawberry Moon + Eclipse Season  

๐ŸŒ‘โœจ๐ŸŒžThe energy was high and vibrating this month, as we had the New Moon in Gemini plus a solar eclipse. Finally we culminated with the super moon Full Moon in Capricorn is also known as the Strawberry Moon - how delicious does that sound? ๐Ÿ“

The light of the Strawberry Moon may illuminate the places where we need to improve, but the softness and sweetness will make those lessons a bit gentler. Where do we need a shift, a bit more structure in our life? What foundation can we lay now to reap the rewards later?

This energy is always about balance, intuition, and meditation,  remembering to enjoy the sweetness of today while still creating the future of our dreams.

๐ŸŒ‘โœจ๐ŸŒž We can all feel that a shift is happening, as well as intensity and conflicts arising as we are trying to make sense of it all. The key is to learn to listen deeply to only that which truly speaks to you.

Keeping it calm, collected and steady will allow us to connect to ourselves and think before reacting. Sometimes we have to tune in to tune out!

My wish is for us all to communicate, slow down on any processes, relationships and business, and add love for it all.


What we are reading   

In closing... 

I hope that we all have some moments of rest, rejuvenation and joy this summer, including time with family, friends and loved ones. As always, please keep your health top of mind, especially drinking plenty of water, and making sure to get your Vitamin D from some time out in the sunshine.

Sending much love for amazing days ahead,

๐Ÿ’ ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿ’–

Naama & the A+ Team!

Sent with gratitude for our connection 
