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Happy February - the month of LOVE!

Happy February - the month of LOVE!

Happy February - the month of LOVE!

Happy February - the month of Friendship and LOVE!

Love is the reason and the cause of the transformative power of the universe. It is an infinite resource, ready and willing for each of us to tap into the endless possibilities of its power!

Even right at this moment, as you read these words, you can close your eyes and immerse yourself in love. Whether it is a person, a place, or a memory, think of a moment when you felt loving and loved. That expansiveness you're feeling is love in its essence and can lead to massive healing.

It might not feel easy to connect into loving energy. It is difficult for many of us these days. But when we connect to love and our hearts, we can access so much more. Hope, positivity, and joy are contagious and grow as you tap into them.

Let's remind ourselves again to take care of our hearts as February is American Heart Month. Read on below for an informative article on preventing cardiovascular disease by reducing stress.

We don't need to get diagnosed to take care of ourselves. February is a great month to connect to self-care and find the best way to st/strengthen our immune system.

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." —Buddha

YOUPowered Benefits Symposium

It was an honor to open both mornings with meditatioat the YOUPowered Benefits Symposium on February 7th & 8th. This incredible group of committed benefits professionals gathered together to discuss cost containment and finding ways to lower the cost of healthcare. I genuinely believe that these types of conversations are paving the way for healing and happiness in the current future of our health🙏

Prescription drugs: How to check for savings

As many of us have discovered, prescription drug prices are not regulated. As a result, the cost of a prescription may differ by more than $100 between pharmacies across the street from each other!

We recommend that you always check the GoodRx app's prescription cost. GoodRx - gathers current prices and discounts to help you find the lowest cost pharmacy for your prescriptions, as well as coupons and other savings. No registration or fees are required. You can download the app on your smartphone or go to our website to get more information so you can search for coupons and lower-cost pharmacies.

 -Good luck -

American Heart MonthReduce Stress for a Healthier Heart 

Whether it's from everyday deadlines, financial struggles, or the COVID-19 pandemic, stress shows up often in life. Our body reacts to it: your heart rate increases, your blood vessels narrow—and over time, these little blows can add up and do damage to our health, particularly our heart. We are more likely to have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and poor sleep with chronic stress. Even other parts of your body – from your lungs to your gut – can take a hit.

But while we can't always limit the amount of stress in our lives, we can change how we respond to it. Just like the automatic "fight or flight" response that kicks in when we are scared – our muscles tense, heart rate increases, and the brain becomes more alert – our body also has a built-in, healthy relaxation response. The opposite happens when triggered: our breathing and heart rate slow down, and our blood pressure decreases.

Luckily, with practice, we can learn to control that response. Try these techniques independently; find a teacher or class to help you get started. Don't get discouraged if you don't get the hang of it quickly. And if one approach doesn't work for you, try something new. You can learn to de-stress in lots of other ways.


However, getting your mind and body to a place of calm doesn't always mean being still. Other healthy ways to manage stress include taking a yoga or tai chi class, talking to a professional counselor, joining a stress management program or an art class, or meeting up with friends for a brisk walk. In addition, being in nature can be very soothing for some people.

Combining de-stressors like these with other healthy habits can go a long way toward strengthening your heart. For example, eat more veggies, fruits, and whole grains, and less sodium, sugar, and saturated fats. Move your body more – like through dancing and walking meetings. Find exercises you actually love and do them regularly. Get good enough, quality sleep. And develop a strong social support system. Then rethink some familiar ways you may be coping with stress, such as drinking alcohol frequently, using drugs and other substances, smoking, or overeating. They can worsen your anxiety – and your health. 

Taking care of your heart health is a lifelong journey, but at a time when the risk of severe illness from COVID-19 remains higher in people with poor cardiovascular health, learning new ways to make your heart strong has become even more critical.

You can learn more about heart health from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute by visiting www.nhlbi.nih.gov. Talk to a healthcare provider if you need help finding additional resources to help you cope with stress. Seek urgent care if you can't manage or have suicidal thoughts. Resources are also available at nimh.nih.gov/health/find-help. 

Special Enrollment Period for Covered CA

Covered California Open Enrollment ended on February 1, 2022. Until Open Enrollment re-opens this Fall, you will need to experience a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) in order to enroll in a Covered California health insurance plan. With a QLE, clients are given what is known as a Special Enrollment Period (SEP).You can find out more about the eligibility criteria here.

Please make sure to connect with us if you have a QLE and need coverage. QLE's can include:

  • Losing a job

  • Losing Employer-covered insurance or Medi-Cal benefits

  • Certain State of Emergency declarations

  • Marriage or domestic partnership

  • Having a baby, adopting a child, or fostering a child

  • Moving into California or into a new area within California

Travel Smarter

Love is in the air!

Are you planning a trip with your loved ones? Make sure to travel with care and a travel insurance policy.

A travel insurance plan will not only cover illness while abroad. Still, it can help connect you with an English-speaking doctor, access telemedicine while abroad, and even help with medical evacuation. Remember, traditional Medicare doesn't cover you when traveling internationally.Please visit the Travel Insurance options on our website or connect with us for further information.  

Enjoy the season and trust that we love you all very much,


~Naama & The RightPlan team~
