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Holidays, Open Enrollment & Peace

Holidays, Open Enrollment & Peace

Holidays, Open Enrollment & Peace

So many of us celebrated Rosh Hashanah, and even if you didn't, someone you know did. It was as always falling on the New Moon in Libra, which means peace, a new beginning, and a change of the season. While September was a month full of historical events, I am working on transforming TIME!It's time to open the gate for forgiveness to allow peace within us through creativity and transformation of inclusive, well-rounded humanity. As we expand the possibilities and be successful in showing up, we enable positive, heart-opening, and meaningful conversations.For me, it is the energy of renewing, rejuvenating, and manifesting a new beginning. I expressed it through many positive conversations but mainly through going back and painting for hours.   While looking at the recent events, especially the passing of Queen Elizabeth II., I gained much respect for her leadership and unique, articulate, giving personality. I almost feel like we are experiencing massive new world orders with her passing. While in England, there is no separation between state and church they became a lace of many backgrounds and Multi-Cultural. The queen and the royal family made it inclusive and embraced everyone very much, welcoming all cultures and religions. This is part of being healthy and understanding that we are all on the healing journey together. Enhancing the conversation of how we can tap into the abundance mindset of humanity. Co-creating the collaboration we want to see as one conversation regardless of who, how, and our role in this pre-condition reality. September was a month with so many unique days like:9/11 Memorial dayNational Women's Health and Fitness DayAnd September is also the life insurance month -* remember to review your current policy* As we are getting ready for the upcoming Open Enrollment 2023:We want to ensure you keep yourself updated with the dates and deadlines. Further, our larger employer groups' benefits are experiencing a high rate of premium increase in the upcoming 2023 renewals. While working on solutions, it is a good reminder that we must review and adopt a healthier approach to our care. For a new beginning of health, life, and celebration, Gmar Hatima Tova and Blessings for a peaceful month,Naama & the RightPlan Team

Naama's painting submission for the 'International Women's Day Charity.'


2023 from CMS –

  • We are a few days ahead -

Upcoming Open Enrollment  - 10/01/22- 12/07/22 –For Effective date – 01/01/2023 *** Please send us the updated list of your medications for review:

 The standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B will be $164.90 for 2023, a decrease of $5.20 from $170.10 in 2022. The annual deductible for Medicare Part B will be $226 in 2023, a decrease of $7 from the annual deductible of $233 in 2022. Top Part B Premium with an IRMA:Greater than $183,000 and less than $500,000   Greater than $366,000 and less than $750,000                           $527.50Greater than or equal to $500,000            Greater than or equal to $750,000                        $560.50Part D IRMAs :Greater than $183,000 and less than $500,000   Greater than $366,000 and less than $750,000            $70.00Greater than or equal to $500,000            Greater than or equal to $750,000          $76.40 

** Reminder – the original Medicare doesn't offer coverage outside the country**

 *** It's Time to renew and review your Medicare Policies ***

Covered California SEP

Please remember that it is still Special Open Enrollment


On August 4 2022, a national Public Health Emergency in response to the Monkeypox outbreak was declared. Also recently, the State of Emergency for wildfires in impacted counties was declared. 


Currently, we are experiencing a national Public Health Emergency (PHE), due to the State of Emergency. 

 Under this, Californians may also qualify for an ongoing SEP throughout the State of Emergency.  The current national COVID-19 PHE was set to expire on October 14, 2022,  but it got postponed till further notice.


If you have a Qualifying Life Event for any of the above – you qualify for coverage -

 *Please remember that Covered California provides a 95-day Reasonable Opportunity Period (ROP) window during which eligible individuals can submit verification documents to eliminate inconsistencies in your coverage.

Life Insurance Awareness Month

When was the last time you reviewed your life insurance policy?September is the best month to do it! As it is 'Life Insurance Awareness month Financial well-being is essential in our communities all around the globe.Did you know? Half of Americans don't own a policy for their life!Choosing the right plan doesn't have to be time-consuming:

New Regulation- Transparency in Coverage

New Regulation- Transparency in Coverage (TIC) will help us know precisely the cost of our treatment before we access care.Meaningful TIC will help us make better and higher-value healthcare decisions and lead to far greater outcomes and decrease the cost of care.Regulations require group health plans and health insurers to provide an internet-based, self-service, cost-transparency tool to all policyholders from January 1, 2023.

Blue Shield of California Launches Health Equity Fellowship Program

Blue Shield launches a new health equity fellowship program at UC Berkeley School of Public Health to support graduate students from a wide range of ethnicities and racial backgrounds. Blue Shield is investing $7 million for five years.

Under the program, twenty students will design and build new healthcare solutions.

New 9-8-8 Mental Health Crisis Helpline

To support mental health care nationwide, a nationwide suicide and crisis lifeline - "988" has been launched.  People can now connect immediately to the help they need where they will be in touch with trained mental health counselors. This is a great step for mental health awareness.


Prevention is always better than treatment, and this is just a friendly reminder to all our clients and friends that If you are due for a colonoscopy, please talk to your physician so they can arrange one for you. Routine colonoscopy should be 0 costs on all plans- (often they charge $250 for the anesthesia)It is crucial to ensure that we are all up to date with all our general check-ups.

You don’t have to get sick in order to start taking care of your health

Lemon and warm water have been around for years, and some swear by them. Recently celebrities are also endorsing this drink due to its many health benefits Lemon juice is full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which help the body in many ways.Obviously, drinking lemon water keeps one hydrated, but regular use also aids digestion and helps relieve indigestion. But other than this, it has multiple other benefits, such as : •            Boosts the immune system•            Decreases inflammation and cleanses the entire system•            Clear skin•            Helps in weight loss Just be mindful that lemon juice has citric acid, which can erode our teeth' enamel. This is why we must ensure that we add lemon juice to lukewarm water, as that helps prevent damage to the enamel. It's best to drink this mixture in the morning and during the day to help eliminate stress and relaxation. It is my ritual every morning 😊

What we are reading

How the Senate’s Inflation Reduction Act Will Affect Health Care

into how the Inflation Reduction Act will continue to provide expanded access to quality health insurance for the people of California. Biden Signs Climate, Health Bill Into Law, the Other Economic Goals RemainThis article looks into the new bill signed by President Biden which he hopes is a step towards fulfilling his goal to modernize the American economy and improve their lives. Breaking Open in the BardoPema Khandro Rinpoche explains four essential points for understanding what it means to let go, and what is born when we are able to do so.

International Health Insurance Options

Post-Covid international relocation has started again, and expats are again beginning to live and work outside of the U.S. Usually, people relocate in the summers,  making the transition easier, especially if you have kids. If you plan on relocating, now is the time to ensure you are well-protected. There are many questions that will be in your mind, and some that you should ask to help you decide between different international health insurance options. If you need help exploring the different options and to figure out a plan that best suits your needs, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or by calling on 818.508.7177

Travel Smart

•            Expats – Outbound – Inbound –•            Traveling with style Autumn is here, and while we are planning our Autumn trip, *** Remember to purchase a travel insurance policy for you and your loved ones. A travel insurance plan will not only cover illness while abroad. Still, it can help connect you with an English-speaking doctor, access telemedicine while abroad, and help with medical evacuation and road assistance situations.


Remember, original Medicare doesn't cover you when traveling internationally. Let us know if you have any further questions – or e-mail – Omar – [email protected] Have a great end for this month, Stay Healthy, ❤ Naame & the RightPlan team
