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  • Important IRS Deadline for your Covered CA coverage!!!

Important IRS Deadline for your Covered CA coverage!!!

Important IRS Deadline for your Covered CA coverage!!!

Blessings for a happy Monday,

Please read this entire email,It is important that we make sure you understand what needs to be done to ensure your policies stay in-tact.  ***For those of you that have applied for Covered CA and are receiving Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC/subsidy),but have not filed your 2014 taxes yet, you are at risk of losing your APTC if you do not act by

August 31, 2015.  

The IRS has determined that 57% of all who are receiving the APTC have either NOT filed their taxes OR NOT filed the right tax form.  *** Those receiving APTC must file form 8962 along with your taxes.If you have filed your 2014 taxes already but you did not include the 8962 form,then you must file this form as well by August 31st orrisk losing your Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC).1. If you received Form 1095-A from Covered CA, it will contain the information you need to complete Form 8962.2. Go to http://www.irs.gov/Affordable-Care-Act to download the form or call the IRS at 1.800.829.0922 for more information on submitting Form 8962.  We strongly recommend that you discuss this issue with an accountant about filing your 2014 taxes if you have not yet filed them yet.***Our goal is to give you outstanding customer service and make sure you and your families are*** covered and receive the care you deserve!

  • We are here to help you if you have trouble getting your claim resolved directly with the carrier!

  • We are here to help you maintain your Covered CA account!

  • We are here to answer questions regarding your health care!

 In closing,  great health and happiness from you’re a+ Insurance Service Team!

  Immense light from my heart to yours,  Naama and the team @ A+ Insurance http://www.rightplan.com/