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Individual Market Last Deadline: 01/31/17 ~ Current market update

Individual Market Last Deadline: 01/31/17 ~ Current market update

Telephone:  1-818-508-7177

*Please remember that you can maintain your physical health by controlling your diets, exercising, practice yoga etc. It will also makes sense to try cultivate the corresponding positive mental attitudes ~ keep it positive ~ Naama

  Individual Market Last Deadline: 01/31/17 ~ Current market update

Greeting for a great Friday. Yes, it is Friday :) 

As we are wrapping up 2017 individual enrollment market  the last date to enroll and or change your plan for 


 effective date will be: 


. After this date only people that experience qualifying events will be able to enroll in an individual plan. 

*Those with a pre-existing condition urged to enroll ASAP*.

As we all watched Last Friday, Donald Trump took the oath of office, becoming the 45th president of the United States. Earlier in the week, Trump said his team was finishing the draft of a replacement plan that would provide "much simplified and much less expensive...insurance for everybody." Trump said he would unveil his plan, working with Republican leadership after Tom Price, his nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services is confirmed by the Senate. I would like to ask us all to keep the positive energy and believe that this is possible. I know so many of us are skeptical but again, let’s hope for a “great Healthcare again”.

Republicans began the process of dismantling the Affordable Care Act by passing a budget resolution, which merely lays out the groundwork for repealing the healthcare law. The actual work on the repeal remains weeks away and includes many unanswered questions on what, when, and how Congress will repeal and replace the law.

Then again last Friday President Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to "ease the burden of Obamacare", as one of his first official acts as president. The order does not direct any specific actions, but rather gives broad authority to the Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies to take actions available under the law to ease regulatory requirements from the ACA, to target provisions that impose a "fiscal burden" on a state or a "cost" or "regulatory burden" on individuals or businesses. It is not clear what the impact will be from this order, however it could affect the individual mandate by granting more exemptions to individuals.

Republicans have also said they want to loosen the rules around the ACA's requirements on what healthcare services an insurance plan must cover. Congressional action however, will be needed to make most major changes to the law.

Things are moving rapidly in Washington, D.C. and I am schedule to visit Washington and meet with our legislators in February and will keep you informed of how will it be possible to create a sustainable insurance marketplace that controls cost but also allows us to be protected and retain coverage.

The ACA and the Trump Administration:

With a new administration in place in Washington D.C., change to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) seems inevitable. But what does that mean for you. Here's the latest:

The ACA is still the law.

Even though change is expected, the ACA remains in place and unchanged at this time. The law still requires most Americans to have health insurance to avoid tax penalties.

Open Enrollment continues through January 31.

There's still time for individuals and families to enroll in coverage for 2017. All 2017 plans are viewable on our website: 

An Executive Order was signed, but no changes to coverage have been announced yet.

On Friday, January 20, President Trump signed an Executive Order directing the federal government to ease some burdens of the law. However, at this time no specific changes have been announced to coverage offered through the marketplaces.

Whatever changes come, they'll take time.

Many changes that could be made to the law will require specific legislative and administrative action. Health policy experts predict that consumers will be given a transition period while Congress puts together any replacement plan.

Covered California is open for business


CoveredCA continues to connect people to health coverage.

Please know that we are here to support you on any possible transition.

Have a blessed weekend~

Love Naama & the A+ Team ♥

Please remember to insure yourself when you travel outside the country

Enjoy SAFE and SECURE travel with AFFORDABLE travel medical insurance:

For a quick quote & to apply, please click here or call us @ 818-508-7177 (ask for Omar).

It is really powerful for us to serve you

Naama & the A+ Team ♥