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Individual Market Last Deadline - 01/31/18, HealthCare Updates & Mindfulness for Health

Individual Market Last Deadline - 01/31/18, HealthCare Updates & Mindfulness for Health

Telephone:  1-818-508-7177

Phone:  818-508-7177      FAX: 818-508-7197 Email: [email protected]

Greeting for a great week, 2017 has been quite a year, with natural disasters and challenging energy in politics.  2018 is already starting off on a different foot but one thing for sure, Insurance expenses have become the country’s No.1 financial concern, providing an urgent need for transparent coverage for most of us. We’re nearly done with Open Enrollment for 2018!  At the close of this busy time, I am thinking about you all as I am trying to make sense out of this 2017 and 2018 in the most balanced possible way. On one hand, we struggled with very large rate hikes this year, narrow doctor networks, much confusion about which networks doctors take, and the crucial deadline to renew our polices all caused some frustration. On the other hand, I’m also thinking about the victories: the subsidies increasing to offset the high rate hikes, helping reduce a monthly insurance bill by half to help parents protect their families and their finances, and employer group benefits being super solid and helping employers entice new talent. It’s an honor to help you protect you and your family.  We want to be sure that you are covered for 2018 and that your plan is all set before the deadline closes on 1/31/18.  

Covered CA

Getting Covered

We also want to remind you that while things change and life happens throughout the year, A + Insurance will be here to support you in any possible way. Further, purchasing an employer benefits (or changing current employer benefits) as well as life qualifying events like having a baby, a change in employment, getting married, divorce, relocation and / or other changes, will allow you to make changes to your insurance.   

Update on current Reform and Laws

 When Does The Individual Mandate End? The recent passage of the Tax Reform Act has created additional mis-information about the Individual Mandate of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Technically, the Tax Reform Act did not repeal or replace any of the ACA. The Tax Reform Law only reduces the Individual Mandate tax penalty for not having coverage to zero, but not until JANUARY 1, 2019The truth is that the Individual Mandate penalty is still in force for all of 2018. All individuals who do not have compliant coverage for 2018 will still be subject to the current fines and penalties. None of the existing Employer Mandates or penalties were reduced, repealed, or changed by the Tax Reform Act. That means that employers and individuals must still fully comply with the law for all of 2018. President Trump Signs into Law Delay of Cadillac and Health Insurance Taxes President Donald Trump signed into law H.R. 195 last Monday evening, shortly after the House voted 266-150 and the Senate voted 81-18. The legislation ended a government shutdown that began on Saturday by providing for a short-term funding extension for the Federal government through February 8. It also addressed several of a real concern issues like delaying the Cadillac/Excise Tax until 2022, implementing a moratorium of the Health Insurance Tax (HIT), and funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for another six years. The package additionally implements a two-year delay of the Medical Device Tax. This is all part of the lasts progress for our future healthcare.  

  Take care, take charge 

 We highly recommend to always try and take your health in your own hands. Try to combine the alternative, eastern medicine approach to your current healthcare. In the next few months, I will personally try to share with you all what do I personally or what type of actions I take in order to try and heal myself and influence the insurance industry and our community to follow and do the same. It is my mission in life to teach you and share about reducing healthcare costs and increasing health, which will help tooffset the rate increases and costs of insurance.As part of this mission last year, I became a licensed instructor through the Chopra Center to be able to start leading and teaching a specific simple meditation technique (Primordial Sound Meditation) that can allow you to learn how can you implement meditation into your daily routine and help you become increasingly conscious of your health and higher self. This course is for people who never meditate before as well as for people who already expeirneced. During this course you will receive the mantra or sound that has been selected specifically for you, and you will discover how to effortlessly integrate meditation into your daily routine. I am scheduled to co-host this course for the 3 upcoming Sundays from 2:00pm-4:00pm.  Location is Mandala in Down Town Santa Monica at 719 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90401.  For their website, please go to https://mandalacenter.us. Please click here below to register or for any further information.   

To a healthy, happy 2018

 On that note,  together with my team, we are so honored to service you and thank you for allowing us to help you take care of your most precious aspect of life, which is your health. For healing and many blessings on this journey, we love you ~ Naama & the A+ Team ♥


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