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Journey to Financial Fitness ; September is Life Insurance Awareness Month - CCA LIST

Journey to Financial Fitness ; September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Telephone:  1-818-508-7177

Phone:  818-508-7177Email: [email protected]

Blessings to you all and hope you had a great summer ~***September is Life Insurance Awareness Month***Please remember ~ Life Insurance is for the Living ~Surprisingly, how we feel can impact how we spend our money, and on the flip side, how we spend our money can affect our health. So that's what this year's Life Insurance Awareness Month is about.  We encourage you to take small steps to improve the mind, body and finances that will help you achieve financial fitness.Does financial stress affect physical health?Studies show that stress can impact our health, productivity and general quality of life. It lowers our immune function and ability to fight illness, which can make us less effective at home and work. Take a look at the list below to see how stress might be affecting you. Ways to Manage Financial StressWhile we have yet to figure out a way to eliminate stress entirely, we have uncovered some easy ways to manage how much of it comes from worrying about our finances.Here are a few tips to help you start managing your money, reducing stress and living a healthier life: Talk about itMoney can be a tough topic, but it’s important to talk through your financial concerns with someone you trust. This could be a professional financial advisor, family member or friend. Finding a good sounding board can help you identify your financial stress points and set up a plan to address them.  Be budget awareIf you have a budget, you’re on the right track, but it might be time to give it a fresh look, especially if you still feel stressed at the end of each month. Be realistic in your review and, if you need to cut costs, consider reducing expenses by a small amount on several things, instead of making one large cut that can be difficult to stick with over the long term. You won’t feel the hardship as much and the savings will add up.  Set up an emergency fundWhen an emergency happens, like an unexpected illness or accident, the last thing you want to worry about is how you’re going to pay for it. According to a 2018 study, only 39% of Americans have enough savings to cover the cost of a $1000 emergency. Experts recommend putting away enough money to cover three to six months of living expenses so you can focus on what’s important in an already-stressful situation. Don’t forget your emergency fund could also earn you interest depending on where it is saved.  Think about yourselfIt can be easy to forget about YOU when you’re losing sleep over money, or your lack of it. But it’s important to remember that if you’re not happy with yourself, you’re more likely to come up short when it comes to reaching your financial goals. Spend some time doing things that make you feel good (and don’t cost very much) – like exercise. Whether you enjoy a good sweat session at the end of the day or an early morning yoga class in the park, these endorphin-releasing activities can help you sleep better, reduce stress and stay positive.As a full service Insurance Agency, we would like to offer you a Complementary Life Policy review. This will help you understand the importance of life insurance and its positive benefits. The California Department of Insurance recommends reviewing your Life Policies every five years. When was the last time that your agent reviewed your life insurance policy? Did you know that NEW life insurance policies can save you on your monthly premium!  Also, today’s modern life policies can be used for: • Cash accumulation for a tax-free retirement       • Chronic Illness• Long term care expenses                                    • Terminal Illness• Critical Illness                                                      • Income Protection We offer a Complimentary Policy Review! By having a review of your existing life policy, you can be sure that you are: • Leaving an adequate life benefit for your family• Not over paying for your life insurance• Risking a policy lapse due to changing markets• Decreasing monthly cost and saving money! We are here to answer any question, please call us or just simply respond to this e-mail  to schedule your policy review by phone, e-mail, or in-person! Best wishes from us here @ A+ Insurance Services 818-508-7177


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