July sharing

Summer Change is Health Change

Summer change is health change

We are grateful to every one of you,Most of us live in a never-ending doing mode as our community and culture support and activate the power of non-stop doing.One benefit of handling several departments @RightPlan.com is the access and connection to many professionals, CEO, Founders, HR, managers, and of course, the employees' communities. A guiding philosophy for me is remembering that we can set or change the rules. While we continue to experience the constant changes in every profession, I want to remind us that our natural way of healing is slowing down and enjoying the summer wherever we are.While other people's issues wouldn't comfort us, as we say in Hebrew if we slow down and continue putting our health first, it will serve us in the long run.We can make the shifts needed to support our well-being, positive thoughts, creativity, and connection with Self-care and others.July is a month that we are enhancing the Wellness days around the employees' space. So if you have yet to set up the day or a few hours to allow the conversations or the activities, we highly recommend it. We have seen results in every direction while implementing daily self-care, meditation, and well-being discussions among employees and their families.While preparing the background for the upcoming 2023 open enrollment, summer is an excellent time to take some time off and recharge our batteries.Taking a mental day can be a life energy change for our benefit for not only us but also for the people who surround us –

I am happy to share that after 3 years of postponing this yoga festival, I made it to the Hanuman Yoga Festival in Boulder while taking the weekend to practice yoga and meditation, allowing me to reset, recharge, and re-evaluate my well-being. Spreading good news—being a messenger of what's good in the world—is something we can all do daily. Think about it. We don't even have to speak or write something to spread love, compassion, kindness, or goodness. It's all about how we show up in the world. It's all about our actions and how we make people feel.One of the highlights of the festival was a panel discussion about Climate change/Climate Consciousness which included; 

  • The Astrologer Debra Silverman, who wrote the book 'The Missing Element': Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition, was the moderator,

  • Carla Johnson, a geologist, hydrologist, and environmental engineer,

  • Bobby Gil from the Savory Institute,

  • Pamela Tanner Ball, the producer of the film 'Who does she think she is,'

  • Jeff Orlowski, the director of the movie 'The Social Dilemma', who was engaging in an active conversation about our soil, the future and current state of global warming, and the simple fact that, as Carla kept reminding us all, we need to feel safe, comfortable and trust the universe instead of being in a state of fear.

Are we a messenger of hope, love, and good news? Or are we stuck in a cycle of negativity and doom, pointing fingers and spreading bad news? We can each make a difference in our own way.Further, thank you for supporting us all on our journey with our beloved Elayne Serrano; we have received numerous e-mails, calls, gifts, flowers, and so much support for her journey of healing and recovery. She is sending her love to everyone as she is still in the hospital, receiving daily dialysis, treatments, and care. Please continue including her in your prayers. As a team, we visit her daily, keep her smiling, cook for her and the kids, and try to make it as easy as possible for her and the family.So, for the month of home and family, let's remind ourselves to stop, take some time off, breathe, and enjoy some time with family and in nature.In health and best wishes,❤Naama & the RightPlan team

The Public Health Emergency was extended

We are still on the ride of Covid-19, and in response to the pandemic's continued impacts, the U.S. Health and Human Services Agency extended the national Public Health Emergency (PHE) an additional 90 days through October 13, 2022. So, you can still get health insurance for the 2022 coverage.

In California, we administer Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which cannot terminate a beneficiary's enrollment during the PHE unless you move out of state, become deceased, or the beneficiary requests a voluntary termination of eligibility from their local county social service.

 L.A. News 

California Governor Gavin Newsom says California will begin making its own low-cost insulinSo much has been said about lowering the cost of prescriptions - can this move create a lower cost of Insulin? Let's hope –California Governor Gavin Newsom, in a Twitter video in mid-July, said that a new state budget has been signed according to which $100 million has been set aside so California can begin the development and manufacture of its own low-cost insulin products.This will make this life-saving drug accessible to many Californians at a cheaper price.

You don’t have to get sick in order to start taking care of your health

Aging right Our cellular system range plays an important part in aging as it supports our body’s natural defenses against the 9 Hallmarks of Aging using carefully selected ingredients that work well together. 

  • Cel1 supports healthy DNA structure and function.

  • Cel2 supports healthy cell energy levels as well as mitochondrial function.

  • Cel3 supports the maintenance of typical protein structures and nutrient responses.

Today we will focus on Cel2 as its nourishment supports mitochondrial function, which promotes healthy aging and youthful cell function. Cel2 is formulated for people who prefer to sustain energy levels through nature-based methods. Also, for us who lead an active life or are athletes. In addition, Cel2 works well for people who might be experiencing mental and physical stress and tiredness – isn’t all of us😊 Our mitochondria are essential cellular components that make the energy vital to our cells. Also known as our cellular batteries, mitochondrial function weakens and declines with age. However, recent research has shown that maintaining healthy levels of NAD+ support healthy mitochondria and healthy levels of energy generation. This will allow the support of our stem cells and healthy levels of intercellular communication. This is why Cel2 is essential, as it is designed to support these critical areas of our cells and promotes healthy aging. If combined, Cel1, Cel2, and Cel3 provide natural protection to support our overall cellular system and healthy aging.Make sure you talk to your physician before taking Cel2.

What we are reading

Harnessing the Nine Hallmarks of Aging: To Live Your Healthiest LifeThis book gives an insight into the Nine Hallmarks of Aging identified by leading researchers so we can harness the power of science to live the healthiest life possible for as long as we live.

The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human ConditionIn her book, Debra Silverman describes human nature in a compassionate way. Read this so we can understand that life and all its stories were designed by our souls to get our attention right now.

Travel Smart

  • Expats – Outbound – Inbound –

  • Traveling with style

We are mid-way in summer, and while we are planning our summer trip

 *** Remember to purchase a travel insurance policy for you and your loved ones.

A travel insurance plan will not only cover illness while abroad. Still, it can help connect you with an English-speaking doctor, access telemedicine while abroad, and help with medical evacuation and road assistance situations.

Remember, original Medicare doesn't cover you when traveling internationally.

Let us know if you have any further questions – or e-mail – Omar – [email protected] 

Just a reminder that a little meditation every single day, can improve your overall mental, physical and emotional health.

Best wishes for a joyful summertime,

Naama & The RighPlan team
