June 2022

Prayers all around and Happy 4th of July ~

Prayers all around and Happy 4th of July 

Wishes for a calm, independent, and healthy summer,

Freedom is the soul of art. Science, medicine, literature, mathematics, leadership, and physics are all artistic when they flow pure and free –

I hope this upcoming celebration of freedom will allow us to find these moments of clarity and positivity, as it has been a very challenging ride here on our end.

While June is usually one of my favorite months, this past month was challenging and complicated. So unless you live under a rock, I believe we all feel it on many different levels of life.

There are so many great moments and beautiful sharing, but the extreme of it all is that the suffering is almost unbearable. So the hit is ON as we wrap up the second quarter of 2022!

We feel the impact of climate change in every aspect of our lives, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Sometimes I wonder that even with a positive attitude, love, and compassion, we each have our breaking point.

Regardless of your principal in life, it was a heart-melting moment to experience the latest shooting all over the U.S. as the conversation on mental health highly took place during May -  the conversation about guns, war, and the future of our Alpha generation is here to stay.

While it is all connected to our health and well-being, it is clear that radical change is called upon us all.

As  Maria Shriver wrote in her last weekly newsletter-

'This is a moment for each of us to testify about what we believe, what we know, and what we feel. As much as this week was about violence, bloodshed, and guns, it was also about everyday Americans who were brave enough to tell the truth about their lives and experiences.'

While these everyday Americans, which is us, every one of us – we withered the ones that put their hands up and swore to tell the truth. They wanted to be counted. They wanted to be heard. They wanted to go on the record so that things would change. Yet, with each voice came sadness, horror, disbelief, and hope. I must say that each of their voices landed deep in my heart. Each voice made me think about the future of health. The country we live in now, and about the country we all could hope to live in.

The hope of peace as we continually witness the war in Ukraine is a never-ending wish. But like many of you, I am heartbroken at the latest Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade. The fight for a healthier us and the control of our bodies is fundamental to our freedom as equal community members of our society. In the past week, I have participated in several insurance carriers' discussions to introduce a travel reimbursement program. These programs will assist members living in states that implement restrictions or bans on pregnancy termination services with access to these services in other states where they remain legally available.

I know that we will rise, stand up, speak up, and continue to share our feelings and support for every woman in the U.S. and globally.

While coming out of a very long two years of an extreme pandemic and re-learning and re-defining ourselves in this 'New Now'.

I must share that my team and I are going through some challenging moments here @RightPlan. We never experienced such difficult moments in our 35 years while our rockstar Senior Employee Benefits Elayne Serrano was diagnosed with Non-gestational choriocarcinoma that has metastasized to her intestines and Mets seen elsewhere on scans. As a result, ascites in her abdomen need draining every couple of days and impact her breathing. She has been in the hospital for the last month, and we need all the possible prayers.

But, the truth is that I know she will stay strong, and I know she will go through it all. She is young, and I feel that nothing can stop her. Watching how she keeps working and following up on e-mails is incredible. She started Chemo last Monday, and I think her dedication to every client and her level of care and willingness to help will help her on her journey to recovery. One thing that keeps her happy is that Dyanne is taking care of her desk and the clients she has served for over ten years. Dyanne not only supports her desk but has been instrumental to her daily well-being in the hospital.

Every one of us can make a difference. Once we come closer, we realize the mission that we all carry to take care of ourselves, families, friends, and teams.

Enjoy your long weekend, take action, and continue expressing your voice for a healthier us.

Naama & the RightPlan team ~


 Employer education and sharing

Jennifer Berman is not only Benefits Compliance Maven, she is also part of the RightPlan team of advisors and a close friend to me for many years-Please join this no-cost live chat session with her.Don't forget to register for the webinar

International Yoga Day

Summer was officially here on June 21 and what a perfect way to celebrate International Yoga Day under the summer sun in the heart of NYC at Times Square. 

L.A. News

Californians brace for increased healthcare premiums if federal subsidies expire

To overcome the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Joe Biden launched the American rescue plan in early 2021. Under these federal subsidies, health insurance premiums were capped at 8.5% of a household's income. That significantly dropped monthly payments, and as a result, more consumers signed up through Covered California.

But with these federal subsidies set to expire at the end of the year, and if Congress does not try to extend them, many Californians will have to pay for a higher healthcare premium. This would mean that much lower- and middle-income Californians would be unfairly priced out of coverage by the rising premiums.

Medicine for fear

Fear and anxiety are the real deal; facing them can hinder our day-to-day activities. So we must learn how to overcome these problems. Not only is it good for our mental well-being, but it also helps enhance our physical well-being. Also, when we can overcome fear and anxiety, we tend to become more confident in our daily lives, and that also helps us become better decision-makers.

Research shows that as we age, these feelings tend to rise, so it is better if we learn to overcome them as soon as possible. And if these problems are not dealt with, they can lead to physical issues like fatigue and chest pain.

While there is medication available for this problem, it only has short-term results, and long-term usage can cause addiction to these medicines and have a sedative effect. Therefore, in the long run, it is better to look at the root causes and change our lifestyle so we can first try a different approach for any medical situation –

The following are my suggestions:

1.           Learn about the roots of our fear: We need to try to find out what triggers our fear and anxiety and at what part of the day or in which situations it peaks. Knowing this, we may avoid those situations and anxiety or panic attacks altogether. But obviously, not all fears are avoidable (taking a shot, for example), so in that case, we need to understand and learn to face our fear head-on, only for the greater good.

2.           Focus on our breathing: When we are in fear or anxiety, we tend to take short breaths. STOP! Try to relax and take longer breaths. Inhale, and then take our time to exhale. Deep breathing helps the body calm itself.

3.           Meditation and mindfulness: Meditation and mindfulness go a long way in overcoming our fear and anxiety. We should try to take out some time during our daily schedule for meditation, where we can relax without interruptions and practice meditation or even do yoga.

4.           Healthy eating: We all know we are what we eat. We have to make sure our diet contains healthy food, with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Also, we should cut down on our sugar intake.

5.           Support groups: We have to make sure we surround ourselves with the right people who lift us up rather than pull us down. Joining a support group can also be helpful as it makes us realize that many people face the same problem as us, and we can help each other.

6.           Be positive: We should always try our best to be positive, and think positive. We are our most extensive support, so we need to make sure we are telling ourselves only positive things to uplift us and overcome any fear and anxiety we might have.

You don’t have to get sick in order to start taking care of your health

90% of U.S. adults are deficient in Vitamin D, and according to some studies, this has catastrophic effects on longevity! But what is it and why is it important? Vitamin D is an important nutrient that is essential for strong and healthy bones. Our source of Vitamin D is the food we eat and through sunshine. It plays a significant role in the enhancement of our skeletal health as it helps in the absorption of calcium from our food. If one lacks Vitamin D, they can develop osteoporosis and can be prone to bone fractures. Vitamin D may also affect our immune and cardiovascular systems. Low vitamin D levels, according to some studies, can also cause neuromuscular disease, cancer, and obesity. Longevity is a popular topic these days, and there is a link between Vitamin D and longevity. If you have healthy levels of Vitamin D in the body, it helps to promote graceful aging by helping to regulate the antioxidant activity, combat oxidative stress and balance the mitochondrial function. All of this helps to protect the DNA in our body and helps the cells' ability to replicate. Make sure you talk to your physician and get an assessment of your Vitamin D levels, so they can advise you on what is the appropriate daily intake of Vitamin D for you.

Global Wellness Day

Global wellness day was celebrated on June 11 with the theme 'think magenta'. The main aim was that people would work together to change people's lives positively and to add color to their thoughts. It's like they say if you can choose anything to be in this world, be kind.

June 19

June 19 was a special Sunday as we recognized, restored, and celebrated two special holidays - One was celebrating and acknowledging the Day when Union troops announced the end of the Civil War, Texas, 1865. To the heroes that helped shape history and the future, we love you and will never forget you!!!On the same Sunday, we celebrated Father's Day as well. Toast to the fathers in the crowd; please remember that your role is as critical. While we raised whole kids, they need a father around at all times.

What we are reading

The Future Of Blockchain In HealthcareThis article looks at how blockchain is currently affecting the medical industry and how it can revolutionize healthcare.How Anthem is using blockchain technology to free up members' dataRead this article to find out how Anthem uses blockchain to enable encryption of medical data and ensure the privacy of healthcare information. How Using Blockchain in Healthcare Is Reviving the Industry’s CapabilitiesFind out how Estonia is using Blockchain to manage its healthcare system, from protecting its patient's data to managing outbreaks of diseases. 

Travel Smart

Expats – Outbound – Inbound – Don't leave home without a travel policy Summer is here, and many of us are planning our summer trip *** Remember to purchase a travel insurance policy for you and your loved ones before your trip begins. A travel insurance plan will not only cover illness while abroad. Still, it can help connect you with an English-speaking doctor, access telemedicine while abroad, and help with medical evacuation and road assistance situations. Remember, original Medicare doesn't cover you when traveling internationally. Let us know if you have any further questions – or e-mail – Omar – [email protected] Much love and blessings your way,❤Naama & the RightPlan team ~ 
