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Last Call for Individual ACA Enrollment, 1/31 Deadline Fast Approaching!

Last Call for Individual ACA Enrollment, 1/31 Deadline Fast Approaching!

Telephone:  1-818-508-7177

Greetings for a beautiful day,***Believe it or not, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Open Enrollment Period for 2016 is nearing its end.Individual & Family Plan applications must be received by 1/31/2016 for 2016 effective date. Yes, I know you find it difficult to believe but yes, the market will be closed till 01/01/17 for individuals to buy health coverage. If you  can afford health insurance but choose not to buy it, the shared responsibility penalty for 2016 is the greater of:•        2.5% of income•        $695 per adult•        $347.50 per childThe maximum penalty is equal to the total annual premium for the national average of a Bronze tier health plan that sold through the marketplace or $2,085.Don’t miss this opportunity to get coverage for yourself before the 1/31 deadline.Call or email us if you have questions! ***Keep an eye out for new forms verifying your health coverage.If you had the minimum level of health insurance required under the Affordable Care Act, keep an eye out for a form from your employer or insurance provider verifying your coverage for 2015.You will need this form when you file your taxes this year. ***Cost of prescription Drugs:Finally California voters will weigh in this November on a high-stakes ballot proposition intended to help control the cost of prescription drugs -- the latest attempt to limit soaring prices that have prompted public criticism nationwide.The proposition would require the state to drive a harder bargain with drug companies so it doesn't pay more for medications than the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/27/health/voters-drug-prices/~please make sure to stay informed ~ The legend Tagore Rabindranath used to say ~ “The best of us still have our aspirations for the supreme goals of life, which is so often mocked by prosperous people who now control the world. I still believe that the world has a deeper meaning than what is apparent, and that therein the human soul finds its ultimate harmony and peace. We still know that only in spiritual wealth does civilization attain its end, not in a prolific production of materials, and not in the competition of intemperate power with power.” Light, love & peace from me and my A+ Team ♥


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For a quick quote & to apply, please click here or call us @ 818-508-7177 (ask for Omar or James).