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Love is Stronger than Fear #COVID19

Love is Stronger than Fear #COVID19

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  Love is Stronger than Fear #COVID19 


Proceed with caution, not fear.

          When I sat down to write this missive, my intention was to share a recent journey to India and my annual trip to Washington, lobbying on behalf of us all for improved more affordable health care services. But as I put pen to paper, my mind could only focus on the current epidemic gripping our world. Is this in some way a reflection of our troubled humanity? Is there a lesson for us all, hidden in the waves of panic vibrating across the globe?

          At the moment, it seems the world will never be the same. We watch wide-eyed as countries quake in fear and populations crumble as the number of infected and dead mounts precipitously. But what if we could harness the energy of this pandemic and by some means use it to rebuild the human spirit? What if we could turn the winds of change to bring us back to a more self-aware world in which we produce just what we truly need, and share the rest with our neighbors? What if?

          The Corona Virus, or COVID-19, is wreaking havoc. It’s here, it’s real, and it’s happening. The question is how we are reacting to this threat and in what speed. Will we be able to come together to deflect its danger and learn from whatever underlying message may be present? Is this virus somehow a reflection of humanity and its toxins? Is that possible?

          What if this epidemic is here to test us all --- to see if we could stay truthful to ourselves when no one is looking? How much do we care for ourselves and for one another? How can we care for our loved ones and ourselves in the most productive way? At the end of the day, it comes back to the “I” and what we alone can do to create peace in our hearts and in our lives.

          Healthcare 2020 has taken a wild twist. We need to understand that we’re on this ride of healthcare together. Many of us are extremely concerned about getting ill. With proper basic precautions, know that we can make it through this challenging time. It’s of utmost important to stay away from panic and causing more damage than necessary. Be cautious, not fearful. In spite of all the alarm, know that this too shall pass.

          The main issue is that if you get the virus, you are basically on your own. You can’t have family members take care of you and you can’t hire anyone to help. The number one action should be healing, or as Dr. Deepak Chopra calls it, “Radical Health.” We should move our entire focus towards all aspects of curative therapy and join forces to share information and allow healing.

          Educate yourself and learn how to strengthen your immune system and prepare your body to manage this virus. Buy only what you need. Don’t stock up on unneeded merchandise. How much toilet paper do you really need? How many bottles of hand sanitizer? How much food?

          Choose love. In order to have enough for everyone, we need to exercise restraint. Share your supplies, your consideration, your empathy, and your love. Be conscientious in your every action as we collaborate towards a global community of healing and sharing.

          If you traveled to or from a country with cases of the virus, you should be Self-quarantined for 2 weeks. Don’t wait for the government to tell us. We should take responsibility for ourselves. This is beyond crucial!

          Take steps to make sure that your immune system is strong.  Eat well. Food is medicine and plant-based food is important at this time. Sleep well – at least 8 hours a night. Walk outside and go to fewer public places for now. Drink lots of water. Ask your doctor about adding supplements to your diet including Elderberry, turmeric, cat’s claw, oregano oil, grapefruit extract, Ashwagandha, Silver-Hydrosol, and vitamin C.

*** Unnecessary travels should be postponed. This Virus “travel” really well.

          Think positive.  Positive thoughts lead to total healing on all levels: mentally, spiritually, and physically. Meditate to connect to yourself and your body and lower your stress level. Meditation allows our minds to teach us to listen and connect to who we really are, our personal essence. Healing happens within.  Healing is the return to holiness and wholeness. Healing is possible and now more than ever, we should take our health in our own hands. Breathe, breathe, Breathe.

          Be Insured, it’s never too late to join your employer benefits. In California, we are still enrolling for the current Individual & Family market to avoid paying

the penalty

. You should always be covered but especially now, you need to know that you are covered in the best possible way. Most insurance carriers waived the co-pay, and out of pocket for testing and treatment. Make sure that your plan allows you to access local providers and includes a telemedicine and online consultation with your doctor.  ***

virtual care

is crucial here. You can add Telemedicine to your current coverage if your plan won’t cover it. It is super affordable.

          Don’t go to the hospital unless absolutely necessary. That will reduce the wider exposure to the community and yourself of the spread of the disease. If you are having symptoms of the Corona Virus, call your Dr., the

or the

24/7 to be advised on what steps to take.

          It is our job as a society to work together to eliminate this virus. Get ready! Let’s collaborate and learn how we can defeat this enemy called #COVID-19. Be conscious, be happy, be educated, and don’t buy into the panic. Together we will be stronger.

          Please feel free to reach out to me and my team at any time. We are here to support you in any possible way, we are all on this crazy ride called life together. Let’s move into the next level of evolution. Love is stronger than fear and I love you all very much. Healing is at hand for one and for all, Namaste ~

Ohm, shanti, shanti.

Naama and the A+ Team

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