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Love is Stronger than Fear #COVID19 (copy 01)

Holiday Blessings #COVID19šŸ’Ŗ/Employer/Individual/Medicare

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 Holiday Blessings #COVID19šŸ’Ŗ/Employer/Individual/Medicare 


  Greetings to you all,          We are standing before what will be the largest virtual celebration of Passover and Easter ever. Passover starts today and the festivities continue for eight days, while the Easter vigil begins on Thursday, April 8 (Maundy Thursday) and culminates on Easter Sunday. No matter what your tradition, religious, or spiritual practice, the joyous spirit of the holidays will reach through generations with uplifting energy.          These spring celebrations bring family, friends, relatives, seekers of peace, and strangers together. As the Coronavirus spreads globally and we conform to the strict regulations, the celebration of these traditions must totally transform, while maintaining the constant theme of unity and strength together.          Passover is the celebration of freedom, commemorating the departure of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt more than 3,000 years ago. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his victory over death. It symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all believers.          These important dates are joined by an incredible celestial event - a Super Moon known as the Pink Moon - the biggest, brightest full moon of the year. April is also the month in which the northern hemisphere begins to thaw and flowers spring forth under the warming rays of the sun. All of this influences our emotions and wellbeing with a rosy and blossoming vigor.            I find it incredible that the two upcoming holidays mirror so much of what is going on currently within our hearts and souls. So many questions are raised: Do we really need to die in order to set our souls free? When we move through the motion of dying, is it ultimately to set ourselves on the pathway to freedom? Are we slaves to our own reality, our own beliefs? Are we all living in prisons created within our minds? Must our planet die in order for us to create, liberate, and understand the real meaning of life?          On March 18, 2020, in less than 24 hours, the entire A+ Team moved to a virtual remote office. The Insurance Commissioner deemed our services ā€œEssentialā€ but we felt the team would be safer working from home. We are fully operating and doing our best to support you in so many ways.          Iā€™d like to share some important information and tips about the current healthcare market. As ever, it is changing daily but the prevailing message is that help is on its way! EMPLOYERS           The State and Federal Governments are offering The Family Act, SBA loans, and PPP loans. Employers must provide benefits to employees to deal with COVID-19 and will be compensated by the government. The government will also provide $1200 per taxpayer and $500 for each child claimed on the tax return.          The Care Act will help employers in the form of a 2.2 trillion dollar relief protection program.  Businesses may obtain 100% guaranteed loans from the Federal Government to get through this tough time. Now is a time when patience comes in handy. The good news is banks are approving applications.  The challenging part is that the banks have so many applications to review; the system has quickly become backed up. Itā€™s best to start the process of application with your own bank where you have an established relationship.          Loan applications have changed about 4 times thus far and we might experience further changes. This is a confusing time for everyone involved, banks included. Take some time and research the type of loan that will be most beneficial to you and your business.           On the Employee Benefits side, health insurance carriers allow no hours or minimum hours to keep your group benefits, even if you are no longer employed. Carriers are going above and beyond to cover all tests, kits, and treatments. If you get sick, you wonā€™t need to meet deductibles or co-insurance or out of pocket (most carriers),and they are expanding the grace period to 60 days and arranging some payment plans. This is such a blessing! Once you are covered, any Coronavirus sickness expenses will be covered.           It is beautiful to watch the solutions that have evolved out of necessity. We now have access to telemedicine, mental health assistance, services to pick up and deliver prescriptions and more. The Health Care Industry is doing everything possible to help us to continue to have safe and easy access to medical treatment.          Bill & Melinda Gatesā€™ Institute has a fabulous website at www.healthdata.org that posts upcoming projections and how quickly we are expected to #flattenthecurve. You can scroll down, state by state, and review the results. Because of the extreme measurement that we are taking with social distancing, we are successfully flattening the curve.          Do anything possible to lower your stress. Meditation and time spent in stillness can be helpful. Ask us how. I wrote a special mediation session for remote employees that can be very helpful.  I would love to share it with you in a one-on-one session or with your family and/or your remote employees. INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY           If you are covered under your Employerā€™s Plan and have been laid off or are paying a high premium, you need to understand there is a solution. Review your current coverage and make sure that you have access to good medical care. If not, Covered California may be able to help.          Financial assistance is available through Covered California for eligible consumers. More financial help is available through state subsidies available for qualified low (or interrupted by the COVID-19) and middle-income consumers.           Coverage through Covered California becomes effective the first of the following month after you sign up. This means that many individuals losing job-based health insurance or self-employed people could avoid facing a gap in coverage.           Any uninsured Californian eligible to enroll in healthcare coverage through Covered California can sign up through June 30, 2020. If you enroll by April 30th, 2020, you will be covered from the effective date of May 1st. 2020.          Special enrollment has been expanded to encompass the entire Individual Market - including all off-exchange health insurance plans (private policies). This means that you can enroll through either Covered California or directly with health insurance carriers in the off-exchange market through June 30, 2020.          All medically necessary screening and testing for COVID-19 are free of charge, and all health plans available through Covered California offer telehealth options. Most carriers are now covering the treatment of COVID19 with no deductible, co-pay, co-insurance or maximum out of pocket. This is truly a huge twist to our policies.            We are here to help and support you in the process and to answer every possible question. Downloading your insurance carrierā€™s application on your phone allows you quick access to telemedicine and important information MEDICARE          We recognized that our gentle senior population needs more frequent access to medical care. There are a few things to remember to make this journey easier. Call your doctor directly for any immediate questions regarding healthcare. Please donā€™t use the ER unless it is a true emergency. Be sure to download your insurance carrier providerā€™s application for telehealth options. Health care solutions are available quickly and easily. At the moment, COVID19 testing is only available for symptomatic people or hospital patients.           Be sure to have extra prescriptions on hand to last at least 30 days. Mental Health is available to you at no cost. Please ask us how and we will assist you to the available channels. Make sure to take care of yourself! Donā€™t wait for any issue to escalate. Use technology and stay connected to us. FOR EVERYONE           During the stillness of the quarantine, as I spend time in quiet space, I am stunned to see how the world has found ways to come together and share the experience. Against the odds, we have found ways to support each other and our communities. All over the world, people are coming together to support our doctors and nurses and frontline health providers.            I truly believe that staying positive will lead to a better world. So much good will come out of this challenge. We will become a world in which we understand and care for each other, a world where health is valued more than wealth, a world where no one takes their families, friends, and loved ones for granted. It is a time of transformation.          The entire medical industry, including practitioners, insurance carriers, scientists, and governments of the world have joined together in the depths of pain and in moments of glowing admiration. By joining together in spirit, we acknowledge that we are all on this ride together and together we will be able to overcome this worldwide pandemic.             We should make sure to eat well and exercise at this time. Choose healthy foods with lots of nutrients, like plant-based food, vegetables, and fruits. Drink lots of water all day long. Take care of your immune system. Make sure to go on a walk every day. If you go out, wear your mask and gloves.          Come up with some good news! Watch the news less and concentrate on just hanging in there. Think positive. Stay with love and choose love. Remember that we are all on this ride together: same world, same experience. Be grateful for this moment despite any difficulties. Know that this too shall pass.           Health and wellbeing start from within. The universe is calling for us to listen and learn. While the message may be different for each and every one of us, three questions should be the pillars:  Who am I?  What do I want? How can I serve? At this pivotal moment in time, we must use the occasion to define a new life for ourselves: a more caring life, an experienced life, the life we will lead when all of this panic rests quietly in the history books.          Consider what you truly wish to implement in your world. What moves you?  For me, I consciously choose peace, miracles, and love, try to lead by example, volunteer with an outstanding positive attitude. So far, it has worked beautifully for me and for the entire A+ Team. I invite you to try it. I believe strongly in the infinite possibilities for us all. Let this time of struggle become an occasion of self-reflection.            In closing, please know that we are here for you. We want to be sure that your questions are answered and your healthcare needs are met. We encourage you to review your current health coverage now. If necessary, you can make changes and get support through Covered CA.          I wish you a beautiful virtual holiday, full of self-love, healing, and moments of silence. I love you and wish you happiness as we approach that brilliant light at the end of the tunnel.We love you and truly appreciate your energy in our life. Thank you!Peace ~ health ~ joy ~ love,Naama & the A+ Team  

We will overcome this and become stronger! #HopeGoesGlobal

 Quote of the Day: ā€œHe who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.ā€ ā 

~ Arabian proverb

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