May Newsletter

💐 News and A+ update from Sacramento on healthcare legislation 💖

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🌸 Hope you had a great Memorial Day Weekend! 🌸

Preparing for the Summer Season

This weekend reminded me that peace is the real and right way to remember those who died in war. 

What a wonderful few busy months it has been at A+ Insurance!  I have a lot to share with you: some updates about what's happening in Sacramento with our healthcare, Medicare-for-All, and news at our agency.  It will be a busy summer for us trying to prepare for the second half of the year, learning and adapting to the upcoming new rules and changes.

Are you getting ready for a fun vacation?  Tell us your summer plans!

CAHU Capital Summit

I just got back from the CAHU Capital Summit in Sacramento where I was meeting with legislators, decision-makers, and industry disruptors.  We expressed our Calfornia market issues and challenges.  The following are the bills passed while we were there, and now these bills are heading to the Senate.

  • AB1611 Emergency Hospital Services Costs ● requires that patients are only charged their regular co-payment, cost-sharing, or deductible for any emergency room visit whether in or out-of-network.  This ongoing issue is called Balanced Billing, and this bill seeks to correct this.  Billing issues have affected all of us, and all efforts to end this issue will create lots of positive change.

  • AB1309 Health Care Coverage Enrollment Periods  seeks to expand the healthcare coverage yearly enrollment period to January 31st.  This will encourage more enrollment possibilities for everyone and allow more time to make a change to your current policy.

  • AB651 Air Ambulance Services ● will make sure a consumer wouldn't owe for air ambulance providers.  These are usually emergency situations, and should be covered by insurance.  You'd be surprised to hear it happens all the time that a non-contract air ambulance sticks the bill to the individual.  This bill would fix that problem!

Met with with artificial intelligence company Avadyne Health's CEO Tyson McDowell.  We had such a beautiful talk about maintaining humanity as A.I. takes over.  Check out his TedTalk here:

Assemblymember Chad Mayes advocated for doing things unlike how we've done them in the past, and emphasized the importance of meeting in the middle.

Spent some time with the California Insurance Commissioner, Ricardo Lara, discussing the importance of  insuring all we can.  He surely understands that health care is a birth right.

The theme of the month has been travel!  I've been on many planes headed all over.  Teaching continuing education courses in the healthcare industry and presenting opening meditations for major conferences has been an incredible joy.  I was also honored to be the keynote speaker for the Arizona Association of Health Underwriter's Annual Conference.  What an amazing energy at these presentations, sharing the importance of meditation and yoga as a way to reduce stress and allow healing. Please remember that meditation is the process of moving from activity to silence.  It is a life-long journey.The popularity of the idea of meditation for reducing healthcare spending invites me to deepen my practice and coaching to help my clients and employer groups.  This last week was amazing to attend another training to expand my meditation practice and coaching. Please remember that we are committed to finding the best products for our clients, having a hand in the legislation that shapes the future of insurance, and communicating to you all how we are advocating on your behalf as well as what to do with information as it comes in.  Reach out to us any time for assistance.

We Got an Award!

We are proud to announce we were presented a SIBBIE Award this month for creating new jobs in the area.  Pictured here are our lovely Elayne and Faye receiving the award on our behalf.  Thank you, Greater San Fernando Chamber of Commerce, for the honor.


A gentle reminder for our Individual and Family clients that we cannot make any adjustments to your health insurance right now unless you have a Qualifying Life Event (aka QLE.)  Otherwise, Open Enrollment is in the Fall for coverage changes starting 1/1/20.  See the graphic below for QLE examples.There are alternative products available for those that do not have insurance.  Contact us today to find out more!

Medicare-for-All Survey Responses

Thank you for all who contributed to our March Survey on Medicare for All.  We thought the responses were very interesting and intelligent.  

60% disapproved of Medicare-for-All40% approved of Medicare-for-All

As to why, there are concerns about those already on Medicare, concerns about paying for those not legally in the country, and concerns about how we'd pay for this for our country.  Overall, it seems our clients are happy with the benefits they are receiving for what they're paying for.  I know the current system is needing improvement, but feedback like this makes it essential for us to understand the way forward.

Thank you for your continued support!  We are always here advocating for the best for our clients.  Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions.Blessings, Naama and The A+ Insurance Team
