New Year Blessings

New Year blessings from our heart to yours.


 New Year Blessings

Blessings to you, 

As we remember the blessings that come each day, we would like to take a moment and express our gratitude and love that we feel to each and every one of you.As 2014 historically changed our health care system, I would like to personally thank you for being patient and supporting us during these challenging times. ♥When Mother Teresa received the Nobel Prize, she was asked, “What can we do to promote world peace?” She answered “Go home and love your family".May we enter the new year with greater kindness, forgiveness, compassion and spread the love! 

Enjoy your New Year day with grace,Naama ♥  Health Care UpdatesPlease note: Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are exactly the same!  US Uninsured Rate Near Historic Low"TIME" reports that new government data “shows the percentage of Americans without health insurance was at or near historic lows this year following the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act, and appears certain to fall to record levels next year.”The data released Thursday by the National Center for Health Statistics found that 11.3 percent of Americans were without health coverage in the second quarter of 2014, down from 13.1 percent in the first quarter and 14.4 percent throughout 2013. Travel InsuranceFor the best Health protection possible when traveling overseas this Holiday season, please visit the following link.To learn more about Travel Insurance and get valuable travel insurance tips and information, please visit our website's section dedicated to travel insurance. The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On Health Reform for Small BusinessesIf you are a small business owner, we have no doubt that you will find this Cheat Sheet addressing correlation and issues between small business and the healthcare reform very useful.  Get in TouchDo you have any questions in regards to health, dental, life, travel ... insurance? Don't hesitate to contact us and let us help you out. You can reach us over our telephone number 1-818-508-7177, our website or simply by replying to this email. For an immediate, free insurance quote, please click the link below.          HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  Naama and the team @ A+ Insurance