November Sharing 2021

Gratitude & well-being 🍁 🥧 🍂 Important deadlines

Reconnecting with Gratitude

Greetings for a grateful month, When we let the viral infection of fear and division take control, what are we prioritizing? What relationships are we sacrificing in the name of what is 'right' or 'wrong?' Where does our judgment lose clarity for the sake of righteousness?

We continue to face a viral pandemic that affects the world's communities and societies on all levels – body, mind, and soul. It is attacking us psychically, spiritually, and mentally. I have witnessed families torn apart, not just from terrible physical loss and grief, but from spiritual ruptures that pit brother against brother, parent against child, and communities against their own. How can we move from the energy of division to the power of cohesiveness? How can we not let this insidiousness win?

One choice as for the spirit of the season is to reconnect to Gratitude.

Let’s join together to heal. This month in the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving, a ritual of family and gratefulness for all we have, unconditionally. This Thanksgiving season, let's prioritize our mental health and strengthen our bonds with family, friends, or chosen family. So many of us experience anxiety around this time of year around our loved ones. Can we find the space to come together in recognition, appreciativeness, and acknowledgment, to find communion?

Being mindful requires us to take a step back from our emotions and reactions in the past or future and observe. Observe the present moment as it is. Remember that we are different people with different experiences with different opinions, health issues, and access to care. Let’s commit to learning and growing together. I believe there is a place where each of us can find the love that connects us all. Enter this space and celebrate with joy and humbleness.

In health and healing, and unconditional love, 

Naama and the Rightplan team

Open Enrollment Season Deadline reminders

Open enrollment is in full swing! Whether you are covered by your employer, Medicare, Covered CA, or private health insurance, this is the time to review, renew, and change your coverage. It is essential to secure the most efficient, comprehensive, and affordable possible coverage. It is not simple to do – but now is the time to act.

Our team is hard at work just before the holidays and is busy helping every one of you to get the personal, attentive care that recently amazingly earned Rightplan the Community Mentor Award from Alignable, the social network for small businesses.

Medicare – Part D and Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment deadline is coming up: December 7, 2021, for an effective date of January 1, 2022.

  • Even if you think you are in a plan that works, you might be able to save $$$ by comparing and switching. Again, there is no cost to you to check out your options.

  • Email [email protected] for a complimentary plan review. 

Covered CA – Open Enrollment Deadline of December 31, 2021 for a January 1, 2022 effective date. You can still enroll through the month of January, for a February 1, 2022 effective date.

  • New subsidies are available and more middle-income earners are qualifying for lower rates for the first time ever. It's worth it to check out what may now be available to you.

  • Email [email protected] with any questions!

Uninsured Penalty Increase

For 2021, the amount of the penalty for not having qualifying health insurance has increased. As a reminder, there are two methods of calculating the penalty, and a household will pay whichever calculation yields the more significant penalty:

  • A flat amount based on the number of people in the household - $800 per adult 18 years or older and $400 per dependent child for no coverage for an entire year; up to an annual max of $2,400.

  • A percentage of the household income - 2.5% of all gross household income over the tax filing threshold

Dental - Vision - Life Insurance

We've got you covered! Email us at [email protected] to inquire about dental, vision and life insurance plans.

National Stress Awareness Day

Stress is an underlying factor of many chronic illnesses, from heart disease to diabetes. This month we celebrated National Stress Awareness Day, and we want you to remember that we all experience stress, it's what we DO with it that matters. 

A few simple techniques: 

  • Regulated breathing: inhale for a count of 4, pause for a count of 2, exhale for a count of four, pause for 2. Repeat, lengthening the inhale and exhale as needed.

  • Sensory check: When you feel yourself shift into fear, stress, or overwhelm, take a mindful step back and concentrate on the present moment. What do you see, hear, smell, and taste? Name them, no matter how basic it might seem. This technique helps to reassure you that the present moment is here to support you.

Minimum Wage Increase: What this might mean for you

Beginning January 1, 2022, the minimum wage for employers with 26 or more employees will increase to $15 an hour. This change to the minimum wage could have a significant impact on a consumer’s income section when they apply for coverage.  

Many low-income Californians could receive an increase in wages in the coming year, making them newly eligible for a low-cost Covered California plan. 

Connect with us is you are currently on Medi-Cal and the wage increase will affect your bottom line. We can help you figure out a Covered CA plan with more benefits and services!

The Right Plan for Medicare Clients with Diabetes

The cost of insulin, brand-name prescriptions, and testing supplies for people with diabetes can add up. It makes a huge difference for Medicare recipients with diabetes to be on a prescription drug plan that offers savings for your medications. After satisfying the deductible, there are plans that have much lower copays ($35-50/month) for those drugs. During Open Enrollment, we want to make sure you are on the right plan for 2022.

Also, don’t overpay for test strips and lancets! You may buy blood sugar testing supplies at your local pharmacy, but your drug plan does not cover them. They are covered by Medicare Part B (or a Medicare Advantage plan). If you met your Part B deductible or have none and have a Medicare Supplement plan, you should be paying nothing for home blood sugar monitors and equipment! Make sure your pharmacist runs the billing through your Part B Medicare coverage, not Part D.Here is what is covered by which part of Medicare for diabetics:

  • Part B covers services and supplies for people who have diabetes.  This includes home blood sugar (glucose) monitors and supplies like blood sugar test strips, and lancets.  Part B may also cover certain insulin pumps considered to be durable medical equipment, including the insulin used with those pumps.

  • Generally, however, Part D covers diabetes-related medications and supplies used to take insulin, like syringes, needles, alcohol swabs, gauze, and inhaled insulin devices.

Naama in the News

The Value of Mindfulness: Reducing Healthcare Costs and Stress Through Meditation – Interview with Naama O. Pozniak

Naama sat down with Amy Evans, founder of AlignWomen, a podcast that celebrates the success and achievements of women entrepreneurs and gives a voice to female leaders in collaboration and joy.They talked about how mindfulness, meditation, and yoga have helped her personally navigate physical, mental, and emotional challenges, and her ongoing mission to encourage change from within the system.  

What We Are Reading

10 Choices That Can Help You Live Longer

Read this article to find out an expert's advice on ways to take advantage of 'the longevity revolution'.

Travel Smarter

International travel is back – 

People are traveling and need to understand how vital it is to get medical health travel. In many countries, they are now inquiring about specific coverage. With winter holidays approaching soon, it is better to be safe than sorry. 

Travel smart with travel insurance for you and your travel companions.

A travel insurance plan will not only cover illness while abroad, but it can also cover trip cancellations, flight delays due to natural disasters, even lost or stolen baggage, depending on your plan. 

So the next time you book a trip, be sure to connect with to protect against the unexpected, so you can avoid any inconveniences to your traveling plans. 

Click here to see the types of plans we offer, whether you are a US citizen, dual citizen, ex-pat, student, or over 65!
