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  • Reminding our clients on Oscar about coming changes - off

Reminding our clients on Oscar about coming changes - off

Reminding our clients on Oscar about coming changes

phone 818 508 7177      website www.rightplan.com      contact [email protected]

 Time is running out to make changes to your Oscar health insurance plan for January!  If you want access to UCLA or Hoag hospitals and doctors in 2020, you must make a change to your health plan by December 15!

As a reminder,


is making some changes to its provider network for 2020!

  • To keep UCLA and Hoag hospitals and doctors, YOU NEED TO MOVE to the Oscar Circle Network. Do this no later than Dec. 15, 2019!

  • Oscar will automatically move everyone to the Select Network, which does not include UCLA and Hoag, as of Jan. 1, 2020.

  • Prescription drug change: Walgreens and Rite-Aid WILL NO LONGER be part of Oscarโ€™s network.

Please make sure to review your coverage and options.

Oscar Facts

Oscar offers the freedom to go to any EPO provider without a referral. Starting in 2020, they will have two provider networks. Here is more information about them:

The Circle Network

The Select Network


Full network (Current)

Limited network




CoveredCA and subsidies

Not available

Available on or off exchange; subsidies based on income!

Doctor on Call (telemedicine)

No Cost, unlimited, and 24/7

No Cost, unlimited, and 24/7

Concierge service to find a doctor



Earn $1/day for your steps goal



Remember: On CoveredCA, the new State Subsidy program will provide more financial help to pay for premiums in 2020. For example, families of four earning up to $150,000 will be eligible for a subsidy!

Please call us at 818.508.7177 or

if you want to switch to the Circle Network. The deadline is Dec. 15 for a Jan. 1, 2020, effective date.

*** Please remember to get your

prior for your next trip!  

Best wishes for health and happiness,

Faye, Naama and The A+ Insurance Team


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