Report an income

Report an income

Report an income

Blessings for a beautiful day,We are getting close to this time of the year when we renew our Covered CA policies ā€“We want to thank you for allowing us to serve you with your individual & family health plan options.This email lets you stay super alert to learn and understand the new market so that you can take the required action.*** Please make sure to submit and update your current income ***email us- [email protected]You need to be aware that this is a MAJOR change to the current system, subsidies, process, and eligibility.Through Periodic Data Matching (PDM), Covered California is required to check federal records twice a year to verify if you enrolled in Covered California has Medicare eligibility and enrollment or deceased status.Please send your income verification as soon as you have them, as the Public Health Emergency of Covid 19 is set to expire on October 14, 2022.All Medi-Cal cases will be re-evaluated for possible migration to Covered CA. Covered CA didn't review the income for about two years during the pandemic.

Fourteen million people in California are moving from Medi-Cal to Covered CA. It will allow a Special Open Enrollment if you are affected.Further, many people are about to lose their subsidies. As a result, subsidies will be re-calculated to your original numbers based on income and household size.Due to the Monkeypox virus and the wildfires in California, we have a new Special Open Enrollment Period.We want to remind you that aside from the Open Enrollment of Covered CA, Public Health Emergency of Covid-19,  we can always enroll you based on your Qualifying Event with a Special Enrollment window of 60 days.

As always, we are here to help you during these changes to ensure the best possible coverage is in place for you and your family at any moment. 

Best wishes and ā¤ 

Faye & The RightPlan team

Travel in peace

When we  travel outside the county, we need to get a policy 


  • Expats ā€“ Outbound ā€“ Inbound ā€“

  • Traveling with style

Summer is almost at its end, and while we are planning our late summer trip,

*** Remember to purchase a travel insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones.

A travel insurance plan will not only cover illness while abroad. Still, it can help connect you with an English-speaking doctor, access telemedicine while abroad, and help with medical evacuation and road assistance situations.

Remember, original Medicare doesn't cover you when traveling internationally.

Let us know if you have any further questions ā€“ or e-mail ā€“ Omar ā€“ [email protected] 
