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  • Take The Stage: You won a complimentary 1-on-1 Supercharged Session with Naama!

Take The Stage: You won a complimentary 1-on-1 Supercharged Session with Naama!

Take The Stage: You won a complimentary 1-on-1 Supercharged Session with Naama!

I can’t believe the Take the Stage event was a month ago! What a wonderful event and opportunity to connect. Thank you so much for downloading my 10 Supercharged Tips for Leaders and Entrepreneurs – I hope that you have started to implement some of my wellness tips into your everyday life.As one of the first 10 people to download the tips, you have won a complimentary 1-on-1 Supercharged Session with me! Please see the Calendly link below to book your session.

I'm looking forward to spending some time with you, getting to know you and sharing some of my leadership and lifestyle coaching. Together we will help you reach the next level!"To begin, begin" - William Wordsworth To book your complimentary 30-minute Supercharged Session, click HERE.  In health, mind, body and spirit,Naama

Sent with gratitude for our connection 
