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We are traveling through May, known as the 

'National  Mental Health Awareness month.'

In the United States, this month has been recognized and observed since May since 1949. The primary purpose and goal was to help eliminate the stigma associated with mental illnesses. But the focus can shift to how we are making the connection between actual health and mental health. Our current healthcare divides us from the stress and anxiety of life, either diagnosed or not.

It is an excellent reminder that everyone of us relates to and that we all experience different approaches to our mental state. As a result, we move and navigate our processes and mental situations in different directions and mentality backgrounds. However, what we all have in common is that we all go through stages and can adopt the best possible tools.

This month is about working towards balancing and making sense of the endless new ways to rewrite the story of our lives. So here it is –While teaching techniques for reducing stress at NextGen Benefits Advisors in Boston, I was honored to embrace and implement some peaceful moments for attendees' well-being.In addition, It was remarkable to open the Los Angeles Association of Health Underwriters Symposium at the Pasadena convention center with Meditation. It was a packed event with around 300 people in IRL (In Real Life).

We hosted the Covered CA team and many insurance Carriers, benefits, coaching, Tech Co., and General Agencies that participated in a day full of education. One of the attendees came to me and shared that the intelligent heart connection that I was referring to, together with the 360-degree care, reduces his stress, helps him concentrate/focus better, and creates happiness throughout the day.I was further grateful to meet and connect with Michael Gorton. Michael is the Chief Executive Officer of Recuro Health. While his resume is chock full of startups that have disrupted industries, he was the Founder and CEO of Teledoc. The sector of telemedicine is expected to triple itself in the next decade. His insight into the future of healthcare is incredible, and his main message was- 'TODAY HEALTHCARE IS STILL 'SICK CARE':

•            We diagnose cancer at a very late stage

•            The system is often choosing to treat rather than cure

•            Too many curable diseases killing people

•            Costs continue to escalate every year

•            People in their 80s and 90s are frail

Further, he used the term Long Covid for people suffering from the Covid conditions for a long time. He shared that people suffer from psychological depression and anxiety, and loss of taste and/or smell can take much longer to cure. Difficulty in breathing is common, and there can also be shortness of breath, cough, and pain in the abdomen. Nausea and Diarrhoea cause a reduction in appetite as well as constant rushes. As a result, they can experience tiredness and fatigue, post-exertional malaise, and fever.

Healing is essential, but the main idea is to take care of our immune system at all times. Let's continue this discussion and brainstorm ways to make us stronger on all levels of life – Mental, physical and spiritual –

Celebrating this mental awareness month, I have been working remotely in Costa Rica for the last couple of weeks. It was an eye-opening experience as I got injured the minute I landed (a back injury from riding the quad and a super simple leg injury that became infected). I am still healing and making sure to take good care of myself. Nevertheless, I managed to work and spend some time in the land of Pura Vida (Pure-Life). I was inspired to continue working on my upcoming book that hopefully will enhance the way we lead and approach our healthcare. I have been writing this book for the last 18 months. We are in the final stretch of writing it, and we hope it will be published right before Thanksgiving 2022.

The name of the book is – 'Super Ohmni' An RX for Hybrid Meta Leadership in the New Now.

I will share more information in the upcoming months.The team and I hope you will enjoy the upcoming Memorial Weekend. 

In health and joy,


Leading meditation at the NextGen Benefits Advisors in Boston

Opening the Los Angeles Association of Health Underwriters Symposium at the Pasadena convention center with meditation with my friends and colleagues in attendance

From the desk of Faye

Thank you for allowing us to serve you with your individual & family health plan options.

It would be best to stay super alert (mail and e-mail notifications) to learn and understand the new market effective – July 2022.

It is essential to understand that the Public Health Emergency of Covid 19 will expire.

This is a MAJOR change to the current system, subsidies, process, and eligibility:

I want to bring to your attention that through Periodic Data Matching (PDM), Covered California is required to check federal records twice a year to verify if a consumer enrolled in Covered California has Medicare eligibility and enrollment or deceased status. If  you do not respond and act within 30 days of the PDM letter (NOD70A & NOD70B) being sent, the inconsistency in information will cause the following:

•            Determination of Conditionally Eligible.

•            Allow only a 95-day Reasonable Opportunity Period (ROP) to resolve the inconsistency.

•            An Eligibility Redetermination letter (NOD01) will be sent with the information that is needed.

Please send your income verification as soon as you have them, as the Public Health Emergency of Covid 19 is set to expire in mid-July.

All Medi-Cal cases will be re-evaluated for possible migration to Covered CA. They didn't do it for about two years during the pandemic.

Fourteen million people in California are about to move from Medi-Cal to Covered CA. It will allow a Special Open Enrollment for whomever is affected.

Further, many people are about to lose their Subsidies. As a result, subsidies will be re-calculated to their original numbers, based on income and household size.

*** Important reminder- COVID-19 national Public Health Emergency (PHE) was recently extended through July 15, 2022.

I would like to remind you that aside from the Open Enrollment of Covered CA, Public Health Emergency of Covid-19,   we can always enroll you based on your own Qualifying Event with a Special Enrollment window of 60 days.

As always, we are here to help you during these changes to ensure the best possible coverage is in place for you and your family at any given moment.

With gratitude,


It’s Never Too Early to Learn About Medicare

You know you need to save for retirement, but most people don’t realize they need to save for healthcare costs as seniors. Going on Medicare reduces costs, but they can still be considerable!

Fidelity estimates that, on average, 15% of retiree expenses go toward healthcare premiums and out-of-pocket costs. For some clients, particularly those on expensive brand name drugs, the expenses can be much higher. Here are some facts:

  • Medicare Outpatient care, Part B, has a monthly premium. The government sets the amounts each year. On average in 2022, it is $170.10/month. This is income based, and clients earning over $91,000/year pay much more.

  • Medicare only covers 80% of costs. It does not cover the remaining 20%, prescription drugs, dental, vision or hearing. You need to buy supplementary coverage to help fill those gaps.

  • Medicare Advantage Plans replace Parts A, B and D and can include vision, hearing, and dental coverage. You still pay the Part B premium, but often little more. However, these are HMOs with a limited network of providers, and you need referrals to see specialists, who are usually just in their medical group. (On regular Medicare and Medicare Supplements, you can see any doctor who takes Medicare.)

  • Whether you choose a Medicare Advantage plan or a prescription drug plan, no plan covers the complete cost of brand name drugs. You could pay as much as 50% of the cost for something you take daily for years.

Extension of public health emergency

HHS has extended the public health emergency by an additional 90 days, with a new expiration date of July 15.

Longevity benefits of DHEA

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a natural hormone present in our bodies.Maintaining our DHEA level becomes even more critical as we age, especially since it has many longevity benefits.Please ask your Dr. for the test that points out your vitamin D level.

National life Insurance Day

We celebrated National life Insurance Day this month, a great reminder to review our life insurance coverage.

These policies cannot only provide a cushion for your family in the event of an unforeseen situation, but many also offer disability payments and/or Long-Term Care in the case of illness or injury.  Consider it an intelligent safeguard for your family's well-being and financial future.

HSA 2023 Annual contribution

Health savings account contribution limits and eligibility rules are changing for 2023. From 2023, HSA savers will choose to contribute more money to their accounts.

You do need to have the compatible high deductible, HDHP, and compatible plans to be able to open the HSA account.

The limits are rising as follows:

Self-only coverage contribution will increase from $3,650 to $3,850.

Family-level coverage contribution will increase from $7,300 to $7,750. 

Healthy Vision, Hearing, and Speech month

Routine vision, hearing, and speech treatment can help improve health outcomes through prevention and early detection, so it's great if you go for yearly check-ups.

You don’t have to get sick in order to start taking care of your health

This month we will look at Molecular Hydrogen on the recommendation of my dearest, Michael Gorton. He visited Los Angeles, and I had the chance to spend some quality time.He mentioned that Molecular Hydrogen is a supplement that is overlooked by so many providers when in reality, it can change and strengthen our immune system by helping every cell and organ in the body function at a greater level of efficiency.Other than that, it also acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and helps heal wounds quicker.Moreover, another benefit of it, which will be loved especially by the women, is that it prevents aging skin.*Please make sure to consult your Dr.

What we are reading

The 10 most popular mental health and wellness apps

The pandemic has had a serious impact on the mental well-being of employees. This article looks at the most popular mental health and wellness apps which can positively impact mental health and increase work productivity.

Study finds 48 percent of young adults struggled with mental health in mid-2021

This study digs deep into the long-term mental impact the pandemic had on young adults and how difficult it was for them to access mental health therapy.

Travel Smart

  • Expats – Outbound – Inbound –

  • Traveling with style

Summer is upon us, and while we are planning our summer trip *** Remember to purchase a travel insurance policy for you and your loved ones.

A travel insurance plan will not only cover illness while abroad. Still, it can help connect you with an English-speaking doctor, access telemedicine while abroad, and help with medical evacuation and road assistance situations.

Remember, original Medicare doesn't cover you when traveling internationally.Let us know if you have any further questions – or e-mail – Omar – [email protected] 

While we are trying to make sense of the many aspects of our life – I am trying to remain positive and feel the love around me. It's not always easy, but the intention is there ~

Best wishes for a joyful week,

Naama & The RighPlan team
