Travel agent e-mail

Don’t let your clients travel without a POLICY!

Don’t let your clients travel without a POLICY!

How is your summer going?

It has been super hot and busy here, but we would like to remind you to make sure you keep your clients safe while they travel.

No one is currently leaving home without a travel policy. We have been experiencing a high volume of demand for coverage.

Your clients are traveling with a policy, I guarantee it. The question is if you are the one who is offering them to travel safely.

Further several destinations are indeed requiring proof of coverage upon booking trips.

Now is the best time to remind your clients and enhance your platform with travel insurance.

Don’t miss out on offering your clients the travel health options to travel safely, and securely, and know that they are in good hands.

We want to remind all of our travel agents and insurance partners that we are here to help and support you with any questions. There are several options for either inbound or outbound coverage.  

Don’t let your clients travel without a policy –

Whether they are US Citizens, dual citizens, ex-pats, or students, we have a plan that will suit your client's needs:

  • Cruises

  • Inbound and Outbound Travel

  • Study Abroad

  • Leisure Travel

  • Costa Rica

Contact Omar today at [email protected] or by calling 818.508.7177

For all of our custom travel insurance options, please visit the Rightplan website.

People are now more concerned about getting sick while traveling abroad, so here are some of our social media posts that we are sharing with our communities. We created these social media images for you to share -You can brand them as you wish. This will help improve your exposure to social media.

Best wishes for a joyful summertime,

Naama & The RighPlan team
