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Welcome to Spring! The Season of Miracles

Welcome to Spring! The Season of Miracles

Welcome to Spring! The Season of Miracles

Greetings and welcome to the season of miracles - Spring! This is an auspicious time in so many cultures, with the spirit of renewal, rebirth, perseverance and freedom reverberating in the earth. In our current experience, with the vaccine rollout and access under full speed, we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We must hold out a bit longer and ensure vaccinations reach a critical mass to achieve the benefits of 'herd immunity' for the benefit of all. While I will never tell you what to do, the experts in public health encourage each of us to take the vaccine if it is available to you. 

We have had an extremely busy month here, with our first-ever Virtual Capitol Conference with NAHU, an organization very close to my heart. This event is our opportunity to speak directly with members of Congress, sharing our vision for a just, equitable and fair access to affordable healthcare for all Americans. Meeting virtually for the first time, we had a successful and productive week, speaking with Republicans and Democrats alike. Some highlights are below.

One of the most special moments of this year's conference was the keynote address by my dear friend and mentor, Deepak Chopra, MD, who spoke on the epidemic of stress and how it affects each and every one of us in this modern era. Deepak shared how the ancient and proven practices of yoga, meditation and proper, balanced nutrition can help to shape our health and longevity. Bringing this perspective into the world of health insurers and underwriting has been a dream of mine for many, many years, and his words created a rippling effect of true understanding and change throughout the conference. 

As this season of Nowruz, Passover, Easter, the Spring Equinox and other important celebrations come upon us, let us reflect on this past year, and what the very real loss of our freedom has meant to us. We have all experienced, on an unprecedented scale, what it means to be kept apart from our loved ones, the indiscriminate loss and devastation of the virus, and the many small, seemingly insignificant losses, that have added up to an entire year of grief. Not celebrating birthdays, seeing our friends, breaking bread together -- as we embark on this season of miracles, these small moments of connection are on the horizon once again. The A+ Team and I are wishing you all hope, vitality and abundance as we look to join again, in person, and with all blessings of love, freedom and connection that the season brings.

Much love,

Naama and the A+ team

The Future of Health: Positive Changes in Healthcare Access

The pandemic has brought about a lot of shifts, but not all of them have been negative. Below are a few positive changes that we have seen a year into the pandemic, that will hopefully last well after it is over, giving people better access to care.

Updated COVID-19 coverage benefits

Please check in with us or with your insurance carrier for updates to Covid coverage. Some carriers are now charging for co-pay deductions. 

For instance, Blue Shield of California is now applying standard member cost-sharing for co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles for COVID-19 treatment. However, as per state and federal policies, they will still waive member cost-sharing for COVID-19 diagnostic testing and vaccine administration 

CDC info on vaccines

While the Covid vaccine rollout is well underway, there may still be some misconceptions and questions. It's important to seek out answers from trusted resources, like the CDC. Have a question about #COVID19 vaccines? See answers to the most frequently asked questions: cdc.gov/coronavirus/vaccines

One of the top questions is, How many people need to get a #COVID19 vaccine for herd immunity?

When enough people in a community are protected from getting a disease, either because they’ve already had the disease or they’ve been vaccinated – that makes it harder for the disease to spread from person to person. This is known as herd immunity, and it even protects those who cannot be vaccinated, like newborns. While experts don’t yet know what percentage of people would need to get vaccinated to achieve herd immunity, vaccination is a safer way to build protection than getting sick with COVID-19.

#publichealth #CDC

California Senate Bill (SB) 855 – California Mental Health Parity Act (Revised)

On September 25, 2020 Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 855, Health Coverage: Mental Health or Substance Use Disorders. SB 855 updates and expands the California Mental Health Parity Act of 1999 by requiring health plans and insurers to provide coverage for the medically necessary treatment of all mental health (MH) and substance use disorders (SUDs) under the same terms and conditions applied to other medical conditions. This means that all fully insured plans that provides hospital, medical, or surgical coverage in the IFP and group markets, including grandfathered plans, must provide coverage for mental health and substance use disorders (SUDs). This bill does not apply to Medi-Cal managed care plans, specialized plans that provide only dental or vision services, or self-funded plans.SB 855 applies to health plans and policies, including grandfathered plans, issued, delivered, amended, or renewed on or after January 1, 2021. 

Biden's $1.9 Trillion Covid relief Plan: What it Means for Health Insurance

Biden has signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package called The American Rescue Plan. Here's what that means for your health insurance:The American Rescue Plan will now provide 100% COBRA subsidies from April 1 to September 30, 2021. HHS, Treasury and the DOL under Biden are now tasked with providing guidance as to how the full COBRA subsidies will be administered.The American Rescue Plan also increases ACA subsidies available to individuals in the exchange by capping the cost of premiums at 8.5% of household income for the benchmark plan. Subsidy enhancements will be retroactive to the start of 2021. Individuals who are currently enrolled in an exchange plan will be able to start claiming any extra subsidy immediately, or they can wait and claim it on their 2021 tax return. The additional premium subsidies will extend through 2022.Families will benefit from an increase in the standard tax deduction for children, along with an increase in the amount that can be set aside for a dependent-care FSA. For 2021, the increased threshold is $10,500 in a dependent-care account instead of the normal $5,000. Employers must adopt this provision in order for employees to increase their elected funds for their dependent-care FSA -- it is not mandatory for them to do this.An additional $7.5 billion was approved for the Paycheck Protection Program, along with new provisions that will extend the program to larger nonprofits and other organizations that did not qualify previously. Businesses will also benefit from the extension of the Employee Retention Credit through 2021. Other provisions include: incentives for states to expand Medicaid; an elimination of the Medicaid drug rebate cap; $1,400 in direct stimulus payments; $350 billion in state and local aid; funding for COVID-19 vaccine distribution and testing; an extension of boosted unemployment benefits at $300 per week through September 6; and $47.8 billion for implementation of a national evidence-based testing strategy.

NAHU Capitol Conference 2021

It was a treat to attend the NAHU Capitol Conference this year. Even though it was different in the sense that it was virtual, the offerings were powerful, with many important conversations taking place.We are really seeing a paradigm shift taking place, with much more understanding and acceptance towards an intelligent, 360 degree approach to healthcare.

There was so much to learn and gain from all the speakers and presenters, all of whom brought in a different angle to the entire virtual event. Renowned health and wellness guru Deepak Chopra, MD, opened the conference and was followed by many other amazing and inspiring people.

Here is a recap of a few speakers/presenters from Cap Con 2021.

Deepak Chopra, MD

"When we get in touch with the true self through meditation, by giving meaning to raw experience, we choose the construction of our perceptions, the emotions they generate, and the behaviors that follow – all in the direction of spiritual enlightenment."

Senator Susan Collins 

"I have long supported transparency in health care. And during the last congressional session, I co-sponsored the healthcare price Transparency Act, which I think is really important."

"We've had an online comparison tool that consumers can use. It does allow you to compare the cost of procedures across the state, and also to look at patient satisfaction and quality measures"

Senator Shelley Capito 

"Often it's expected for elected leaders to line up on either one side or the other of a partisan battle. It's a lot harder, is ignoring the chaos and getting out of our comfort zones, building coalitions that actually deliver results."

Senator Catherine Cortez  D-NV

"I hope that we can partner to increase access to coverage, bring down health disparities, and make sure that Americans are secure in the knowledge that when they need it, health care will be there for them."

On our Radar: EQ Resilience and EQ Active apps

Maintaining mental health, reducing stress and finding balance are essential - but how can we build the tools and become more resilient? 

We were excited to learn about EQ Resilience and EQ Active apps, which are FDA approved neurological assessment tools that support mental health and resilience. The one of a kind app uses short questionnaires to provide a snapshot of the user's well-being and mental health, and is the product of a collaboration between The Chopra Foundation and Highmark Interactive. 

It allows individuals to self-identify and self -assess their mental well-being in real time. It will also help you measure how your brain processes your world. All this is done with the aid of fun, easy to play games which will assess many factors; anxiety levels and lack of sleep to name a few.  

The EQ Resilience and EQ Active apps are available both on the App store and on Google Play. Alternatively, you can make a donation to 'The Chopra Foundation' and receive these apps as a gift to say thank you for your donation.  

Prop 22 and New Rules for Rideshare Drivers

Attention App-based drivers (Uber, Doordash, Lyft): 

With the passage of Prop 22, you can qualify for Covered CA and secure state subsidies!

 ✅  Any driver who has 15 hours each week in a quarterly cycle, can qualify for about $200 in a stipend from the employer.

 ✅  Any driver who has 25 hours each week in a quarterly cycle , can qualify for about $400 in a stipend from the employer.

For more information, visit rightplan.com or call us at 818.508.7177 

What we are reading

This interesting article looks at the science behind any pain, what causes the body to feel pain and how neuroscience can help relieve your pain. 

A survey conducted by Gartner looks at the impact the pandemic has left on employees and how many employee have availed themselves of the mental health programs offered to them by their company. 

Travel insurance 

With spring and summer travel seasons approaching, you may be considering a trip, or have loved ones come to visit you from overseas. Travel insurance is an absolute must - we have plans that will not only cover for Covid-19, but also protect you if you have to cancel, postpone, or extend your trip. Chat with us on

to understand your options. 

Final Words

Wishing you a season of growth and renewal - 

With love,

💝 🌹 💖

Naama & the A+ Team!

Sent with gratitude for our connection 
